female betta question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 23, 2003
Yes. I've got to get my read on but I was told that some female bettas can be mistaken for a "plakat" ?! Which I believe is a male betta similar to what a a female can look like.

I believe I have a female betta ( check gallery). Don't all female bettas have that distinctive white dot ?

I have had a look at your betta and it is a female. you are right about "plakat" they are very much like females. but they still keep the amazing colours that the males do.
Yup thats true, a plakat is a short fined betta (male or female).
Yes they all do, but sometimes males (usually younger ones) can have what looks to be the white dot that the female has, so they can be tricky (there like litte cross-dressers lol :wink: )

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