Female bettas coming into condition without a male?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 23, 2008
I have a sorority tank at home with 10 female bettas. The fish have been added at two different times, so one group of them is about a year old and the other group is about 6 months old.
All of the females in the year-old group are so full of eggs, they look like they are about to burst and their gravid spots are very pronounced. I haven't seen any vertical barring, but all of the fish have been like this for over a month, if not more.

While I do have a male betta, he is in a totally different room and I do not mix anything from his tank with theirs. Does anyone have an idea why my fish would be ready to breed and is there anything I should do to remedy the situation? They are happy and healthy fish, but if I was that big with eggs, I would be miserable!
my female betta became like this too, im thinking it might be a coming-of-age type thing, but im not exactly sure. however, after a few months of her being like this, she seemed to go down in size. about a month ago, i put her with my male, and they bred and everything went fine, so i dont understand why this happens to them, but if you dont want to breed them, id say just wait it out?
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