female bettas

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
Do female bettas need to be kept by themselves or could I put a few in my tank with the rest of my fish?
I think you'll find both answers. I have two (and a third one in waiting) who are inseperable. I don't know if this had anything to do with it, but the first girl I got was larger than the second and I think she took on the dominant position from the start, but never did more than flare for the first few days. Now I have my third which is currently being introduced to the tank and she is much smaller than the other two. They've checked her out, flared, but are now doing their own thing. I'll keep and eye on them for the next few days, but I think they will all be happy together. I kinda think of them as a little sorority, where they'll show their dominance to the newest member and occasionally flare up to one another, but overall they get along really well. The main thing, just keep and eye on them and make sure one of them isn't overly aggressive. Good luck!!
I have them with 5 other danios and 2 otos and they don't pay them any attention. Occasionally they will pick at a snail just out of curiosity (the itty bitty brown ones they hop rides into your tank on plants) but that is really it.

btw, they are very curious, always poking around at objects and interacting with eachother, and bring a ton of personality to the tank. Personally, I love them and they have become my favorites.
Hmmm, this may be an option. I LOVE bettas but I havent had one since my male betta died. He lived for close to two years and I was SO sad when he passed away. OHH I wonder though if they would nip at my angel fish?
They may attack your fish, YMMV. I had two females in a 50 gal and they wouldn't stop pickin gon each other. Now I have one in with my Badis and she's fine, but the other is with rams and she's a jerk (they are all being treated for ich, then she finds anew home!).
Well... I could always get one and give it a try. If it doesn't work out I guess I will just have to get another tank... :wink: On second thought, it may not be a problem if any more of my fish die.
yup, I think menagerie ended up with one of those overly aggressive... that or I just got lucky, I'll let you know what happens in a little while when I introduce my new girl. I'm a little worried just because it isn't a one on one intro, but a two on one so I am going to keep an extra close eye on them, however, they don't seem to be mistreating the newbie, just curious to meet her.
ok, I just released her and surprisingly there were no flares or anything, I guess they got that out of their system while she was still in the cup. Actually, this new little betta has taken to following my largest, Audrey (the first one I got). It is really cute because she is under half the size of Audrey. Every seems very happy so far, I'll let you know if anything bad happens.
I think they all have there own personality. I have to females and Tried to put them In my daughters tank with neon tetras and guppys the larger one picked on the guppys so I took her out but the smaller one doesn't mess with no one and seems very happy too. Good luck. BTW The larger one just finished mating so maybe she was a little stressed. Might try her again latter. Rory

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