Fertilizer question!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 20, 2012
I'm going to be adding some frogbit to my tank, and I want to dose ferts because the ratio of plants to fish will be uneven. Is there a fertilizer that's liquid and doses pretty much everything? (I think I mostly need to add nitrates, iron, potassium, and ammonia? I forget if that's everything, but I know iron and potassium are definitely needed) do you guys have any suggestions? A specific brand that might be better?

I have two large plants, I think they're melon swords, which I might possibly move out of the tank. I have a handful of anacharis, and I leave it free floating. I'll get lots of frogbit, to cover half the tank, because then I'll plant the anacharis below that (since they're low light plants, and hiding them under the melons leaves is harder than it looks)

Also, my anacharis won't grow any roots (except one stem) will the ferts help with that? Oh and I have 3 guppies, 3 neon tetras, and 1 cory catfish. It's a 10g. I'll be adding 1 or 2 more cories, in hope of breeding them. I'll be having some RCS soon as well, mostly for breeding/feeding purposes, so anything that would kill them would be bad.

I'm sorry I have so many questions! But even though I've had live plants for a year I know nothing about them!
Egads! Never put ammonia into a tank with fish in it.

Try Flourish Comprehensive. And high quality root tabs for the swords.
Oh okay, no ammonia! So flourish comprehensive and quality root tabs? I can do that easy :) thank you! ^^
All I add is flourish comprehensive twice a week (when I remember lol) and have root tabs and my anacharis has been shooting roots like crazy and I have only had it about maybe 2 weeks at most. I don't really do anything special I just do a lot of water changes maybe that is why but the only problems I have seem to be with my swords (thats why I bought the root tabs) hopefully they pick up some now. Let me know how your frogbit does when you get it! I love the stuff and mine has over tripled in growth since I got it maybe a few weeks ago!
That's some speedy growth! I'll tell you when I get some! ^^
Make sure that your ferts don't have copper in them, because copper can kill your shrimp.
Oh yes, I know, I was warned by this guy on a PM once about that. I don't have the shrimp yet, they're a plan that I've yet to put into action. Is there any way to help my anacharis grow roots? I've had it for a month and still nothing's growing out of the bottom of the stems. Will the fertalizer help? And also, does that brand of fertalizer (mentioned above) have copper in it?
I'm pretty weary about ferts and shrimp lol I think flourish comprehensive does have copper but not a lot, chances are I'm wrong on that though lol I'm trying to find a fert that won't have any ill effects on my shrimp right now too
Keep me posted on that search! Id love to hear if you find some! :)
That but about copper and shrimp? Pure bologna. For one, shrimp NEED copper, as their blood (well, "blood") is actually copper based, as opposed to ours, which is iron based. Total copper deprivation can actually kill shrimp. Two, the levels dosed for fertilizers, as long as you dose it correctly and responsibly, won't kill shrimp. This a a rumor largely based on unsubstantiated paranoia.
Well that's great news! That means I'll have to worry less then, huh?
Trace amounts of Copper Sulfate in Fish Food or in Osmocote Plus seem safe. COPPER KILLS in larger amounts !!!!

Per Wikipedia :
If feeding commercial fish/shrimp food ensure that there is no copper added although most breeders believe this is only pure/elemental copper as this is dangerous for shrimp. Many breeders think copper sulfates, found in most fish food, are okay in low amounts. Copper sulfates found in snail killer are in high amounts and will kill shrimp.
I'm planning on RCS and maybe a cleaner shrimp (if they're freshwater or will handle freshwater salt)
Copper will DEFINITELY kill shrimp. I dosed a half dose of excel in my tank with ghost shrimp, and 3 shrimp were dead the next morning. That was while being cautious and dosing HALF mind you. On the other hand, I use flourish comprehensive twice weekly with no problems at all.
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