Fiddler Crab is Floating

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 11, 2017
Help! My female fiddler crab escaped from the tank. I found her15 minutes ago and put her back in the tank. Ever since, she has been floating at the surface, unable to remain still unless she's clinging to a tank decoration or the filter intake. She's moving with the current and seems to have no control whatsoever. She can't get down to the bottom of the tank or to her "dry dome" where there's land for her to hang out on.

She lost 1.5 legs in the escape but two more might be injured (it's a little hard to tell). She has escaped once before, months ago, and lost 4 legs (!) at that time. I thought I'd crab-proofed the tank since then, but evidently not. She recovered from that escape just fine, moving normally and eating just fine despite the missing limbs. She regained a full set of legs in her next molt, which was a few weeks ago.

This time, however, things look dire. I don't know how long she was out of the tank; she was in her dome last night when I went to bed but I didn't see her when I fed the fish this morning and I just found her on my kitchen floor now, about 12 hours after I last spotted her.

Any ideas? Here's a link to video footage so you can see what's happening: 20170611_105027.mp4
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What are the aquarium parameters? She may have unsafe levels and want to get out.

She needs a piece of wood of something to easily hold onto.

Crabs love to be on the move. Very common and they are crafty on getting out of tiny spots.

A fake turtle lily pad will usually work well and give some additional place to be out of the water too.
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Do you have a fake or live plant you can put on the top for it to hold onto?

She may just need to rehydrate to be able to get her bouyancy under control.
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I don't know if this is good news or bad news, but she has found her way to the bottom of the tank and is hiding behind a rock now. She has been there for the last 4-5 hours and hasn't really moved since. She's definitely alive because I can see her claws moving once in a while, but this is unusual for her. That's not a spot she frequents, and she's never this inactive *except* in the dry dome.

Ph = 7.2
Alkalinity = between 120 and 180
Hardness = 150
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 20

All the fish seem happy and behaving as normal...

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