Figure 8 with ick will they make it

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 9, 2011
So I got two figure 8s at the LFS two days ago. Appeared to be doing well at first, very actice. Throughout observation and research I have concluded they have a serious case of ick. Little white spots on their fins and body. One even looks like there are some around it's eye. Tested water conditions and everything is where it should be. I have raise the water temp to 82, added some ick cure half the recommend dose due to there scaleless skin. Read that they are to sensitive to a normal dose. Started last night. One didn't eat yesterday and the one that did was hanging out on the bottom with it's tail curled around near his body. It doesn't look good. Any thoughts or advice on if they will make it or anything else I should try. Hopefully they are still alive when I get home!
Do you have them in freshwater? Is it just them in the tank?

If so, why not just put the salt they are supposed to have in their tank, in their tank? That will make the Ich explode.

Get some Instant Ocean marine salt, add 1 FLAT (not heaped) TEAspoon per gallon. This will give you a salinity of 1.005 which should be more than enough to kill Ich and also give the fish the environment they should be living in anyway.

When adding this salt, do not add it directly to the tank. Get a bucket and put water from the tank in it. If you have a 30 gallon tank, add 15 flat teaspoons to the bucket and stir it with your hand until you can't feel granules. Then pour it into the tank (not ontop of a fish). 3-4 hours later, repeat this. You will then have 30 flat teaspoons total for your 30 gallons.
Thanks already stared treatment. They fish came from fresh water with a mild salinity theLFS uses aquarium salt there tank wen introduced was the same and I have been slowly raising the salinity. Should I still try and add the instant ocean even with the treatment in the water. The tank is well planted with natural drift wood. Plenty to spark there curiosity so they should be happy in their environment. Thanks for the help.
With that type of fish I would use the salt (instant ocean). I don't know of any other treatment which won't potentially harm the fish.

It's up to you though. Your fish. The natural environment for this fish is the areas where rivers meet the sea, effectively weak sea water. The salt should be sea salt (not freshwater medicinal salt) and that isn't compatible with many driftwood or plants unfortunately.

Anyway, just letting you know what I think is best for the fishes *shrugs*
Ok thanks for the advice. I'm gonna give it a shot! It makes sense. I have read so many peoples opinions on the salt and I was just goin with what I thought they would be best acclimated too. I'll start the instant ocean tonight and start your treatment advice. Hopefully it's not too late. If so Ill see if the LFS will get me some healthy ones or atleast save the others he has! Thank you for the help!
Ok, I do hope they make it. :) Obviously keeping the salt in there will result in your having a proper Brackish tank. When you do water changes you obviously need to replace the salt you remove. You can use a refractometer to check salinity is always around 1.005. :)
Got home and the puffers appear to be doing better. More active but they look like they are shedding. Hopefully that's good. The salinity was at 1.004 with the aquarium salt so I did a water change with instant ocean and am going to continue with water changes. Thanks for all the help. Hopefully it leads to a full recovery
That's usually a sign of stress. I've had fish do that in really extreme circumstances. It was to do with being put straight into very different water with mine. It didn't seem to affect mine at all. And actually with mine it was because they were being moved from bad water to good water (when we moved).
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