Filter and Powerhead Placement

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2012
I am setting up a lake Malawi 55g mbuna cichlid tank. I have an Eheim 2217 canister filter, AC70 HOB filter and a Hydor Koralia powerhead. What I am wondering is with my Eheim 2217 intake in the back left corner of my tank, where should me Eheim outlet spray bar, my AC70 and my powerhead go relative to the position of the Eheim intake in order to get the best flow possible and try to keep fish waste on the bottom to a minimum?
brandonv26 said:
I am setting up a lake Malawi 55g mbuna cichlid tank. I have an Eheim 2217 canister filter, AC70 HOB filter and a Hydor Koralia powerhead. What I am wondering is with my Eheim 2217 intake in the back left corner of my tank, where should me Eheim outlet spray bar, my AC70 and my powerhead go relative to the position of the Eheim intake in order to get the best flow possible and try to keep fish waste on the bottom to a minimum?

It's trial and error. Every tank is different because your scape is different. It's just something you'll have to watch and tinker with to get right. Only took me a few tries to find a good spot. I keep my spray bar on the left side of my tank pointing length wise and my power head opposite towards the bottom so it helps to create a circular current
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