Filter guards?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 3, 2006
I have a problem. I have two pregnant fish, and I have a fry tank all cycled and waiting. It's been set up for a long time, I've been keeping a few platies in it to keep it cycled. Only problem- I don't have a sponge filter. The local lfs has stopped selling them. I've been to three places and can't find one. I have a very powerful filter in the five gallon now- and I'm afraid it will suck those little fry right up once they are born. Is there anything I can do?

Right now I have the two pregnant fish in nets. I don't like that, it is no doubt stressing them out. But I'm afraid to let the fry be born in the fry tank with such a powerful filter. I was planning on letting them grow in the nets before they go in the tank. But that means i have to confine both them and the mothers,and I'd rather not do that.

Is there anything I can do to prevent those poor fry from being massacred?

Someone mentioned building a filter guard. How would I do that?

Please help.
You could cut a nylon stocking (unused, never washed) and fasten it over the intake. This is a fairly simple solution that should work with all but the smallest fry.

Your other option would be to buy a sponge filter online. DrsFosterSmith, ThatFishPlace, or BigAlsOnline would all be descent options.
You could also take a sponge like for the Aqua clear lines and cut a slit in it to slide over the filter intake. Works like a charm. They do sell pre filters but this is cheaper IMO.
Well, this is the thing. If it were a box filter, the panty hose or sponge idea would be fine, but its a submerged filter -a stingray elite 5. I would have to put the pantyhouse over the entire thing and how would it adhere to the aquarium wall? I guess I'll go experiment...I will order a sponge filter online, but it will probably be a while before it comes and I want to get those fish out of the little nets as soon as possible.
Well, I figured out how to do the nylon stocking thing and it seems to be working ok.

Only problem- when I transferred my pregnant molly into the fry tank and my platy and chinese algae eater out, I didn't take into account the six degree temperature difference between the two tanks.

I feel terrible. The fish seem ok, thank God, but I don't believe I did that. I just didnt' think to check...all I can do now is leave the poor fish where they are, turn off all the light in the room so as not to stress them any further, and wait until morning to hope they are ok.

Sometimes I think I'm the worst pet owner in the world. :( I really hope they are ok. I"m so sorry.
Sarah, please don't try the stocking trick. It will prevent the fry from intering the pump, but they will still be sucked against the intake and will not be strong enough to excape. They will still die.

Have you ever seen the plastic containers that have berries in them at the grocery store? They have slits in them for air circulation. I don't know how large your filter is, but one of these might be employed as a filter guard. If you could get one that fits over your filter (or two to make a box around your filter) and use a rubber band to hold them on, then you could try the panty hose method.
Has anyone had that happen? Fry being stuck against the stocking like that?

At this point, all I can do is order the sponge filter, though I have to wait a week to even place the order because I lost my credit card and they are mailing me a new one, and it will take a week to get here....see, it's one stupid thing after another with me lately....til then, when the fry are born, I will just have to be really careful and keep checking. If I let the fry be born in the big tank, they will DEFINITELY be eaten, I have never had a fry survive in there. I guess when they are born I will try to catch some and put them in the net breeder, but I'm not netting my poor pregnant fish and moving them again after all I put them through tonight.
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