Filter Media for Mbuna Malawai Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2012
I am picking up an Eheim 2217 canister filter today for a 55 gallon Malawai cichlid tank I will be setting up. What I am wondering is, is the media that comes with this sufficient or should I take or change anything out or add something else?
I am picking up an Eheim 2217 canister filter today for a 55 gallon Malawai cichlid tank I will be setting up. What I am wondering is, is the media that comes with this sufficient or should I take or change anything out or add something else?

I would use everything that came with it.... you can always change media around on your next cleaning maintenance.
+1 on jimmys response. Just get it up and running and if you want to change it up you can do it on maintenance.
I just wasn't sure if there was something that people generally did as far as extra media goes in that type of filter
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