Filter/pump help?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 15, 2005
Orlando, FL
So, I posted a while back about my and my hubbys plans to get a tank. We have the tank now, this one:<>ast_id=2534374302023693&bmUID=1111110001474

(Sorry about the long URL)

We got gravel, decor (silk plants), dechlorifier, medicines (just in case..), water test kit and such, although we're standing completely still when it comes to filters/pumps etc.... So.. Help! Any tips on specific models that have worked for you would be SO appreciated. URLs for specific models in major pet stores such as PetSmart and PetCo would help a lot, too! Any price range is fine, and we'd prefer one that was discreet in appearance.
(Who doesn't, right? :) )

Also, besids a pump/filter.... What more do we need? I get a little confused reading american aquarium-FAQs, when it comes to filtering and pumps and such... In Sweden, where I come from, you need a pump, period. The thing that sucks in water, cleans it, and spits it out again. Do you call that a filter here? Ugh? Darnit... :D Sorry for the stupid question, but this confuses me.

Help would be so greatly appreciated!

P.S. We're not getting the fish until we get a filter/pump and let the tank run by itself for a couple of weeks.

P.P.S.... Me and my hubby have been debating the importance of lightning when it comes to our future tank. The tank will be standing in a place that gets a good amount of daylight (Not direct sunlight at all of course), and the fish (Black Moors) would basically have the whole dawn-day-dusk-night cycle. How important is it for us to get lightning for the tank? Thanks again... :)
Do you call that a filter here?
You are correct.

P.S. We're not getting the fish until we get a filter/pump and let the tank run by itself for a couple of weeks.
Be sure to cycle the tank first. You can go the fishless way which is MUCH safer and easier to do. You don't have to do the daily water changes and put fish at risk of ammonia burns. If you need info on cycling, check the Articles section or do a search in forums, or shoot me a PM.

Since the tank is a 20 gal, you have quite a few options. First question is, what kind of fish do you want to keep? That will help better dictate what filter you should get. Some like more current than others, some are messy fish and need the tank to be overfiltered.
Well, we are going to keep Black Moors, the black goldfish with the huge eyes. I know all goldfish rather messy fishies, but I have no problem with doing water changes when needed, once a week or so, or even more often, if it comes to that.
Since it is gf, overfiltering isnt a bad idea.

Fyi, in terms of the terms "pump" and "filter", where I'm from, the pump refers to the air pump that pumps air, and the filter is what the water passes thru. Hence also for the term "air powered filters", which requires an air pump to operate.

For your light, it would depend on what plants you like to have (if you do feel like having any). Though, I would also consider when you have the chance to look at your goldfish. I'm generally only able to look at them after work, so by then it would be dark. And a flourescent light does wonders, aethetically, on how the tank inhabitants looks, both plants and fish.
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