Filter recommendation

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 21, 2005
Milwaukie, Oregon
I just got a 46 gal for Christmas, and I was wondering which brand of canister filters that you guys would recommend? I was going to go with a Fluval 304, but if there are any other recommendations, I'd appreciate hearing them. TIA
The Fluval is pretty good. Another good one is the Filstar XP2. Or if you want to go with a biowheel, the Emperor 280 is a good filter. They are all good. :)
I don't think the 280 would be enough filtration for that size tank. If going with an emperor, you should get the 400.
The Emperor 280 works for tanks up to 50G. The 400 is good also, if it fits in your hood. Just make sure the opening is wide enough for a 400, as it's about 16 inches wide. I have both myself.
I have 2 fluvals, and one magnum 350. The magnum has bio wheel attachements in addition to the cannister filter.
Depends on how much you want to spend. Eheim canisters are the quietest. Rena's have the most waterflow. Fluval is a nice middleground. Biowheels are nice if you need the added biological filtration. Magnums can be used for many different operations such as diatom filters or adding bio-wheels. They also don't get vapor lock like the others. I perfer canisters of HOB for larger tanks (~50 gallons or larger), but Aquaclear HOB filters are very nice.
I recently got both a Fluval and a Rena Filstar, and I really like them both. You would probably be happy with either one. I found that the Fluval was much harder to set up initially than the Rena, but once I figured it out it was easy to put together. The directions just aren't written very clearly IMO. Both the Fluval and the Rena are easy to take apart and clean. I don't have any experience with the Eheims, but I've heard really good things about them. They are much more expensive than the other brands, though. :roll:
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