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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 3, 2012
washington state
I have again had to replace my filter cartridges on my 55 gallon tank. It has been a month maybe since I changed them the last time. They come out of the filter falling apart, so I don't get the chance to just swish them about in the old water to clean them. Why is this happening to my filters??? It has only just begun about two months ago, usually I can go many month's without putting in new cartridges. I also had to change the one in my 35 gallon too, with the same problems. I do however put some of the worn out filter media into the filter behind the new one to keep up the good bacteria, and to get it into the new filters. Any help here would be great. Does it have something to do with food i use. Mainly brine shrimp, blood worms and flakes.
What kind of filters and did they change manufacturors recently? Things are always being made more cheaply with less pride it seems.
Top fin 60 filter system, nothing looks different, so I have no clue. All I do know is I spent $28 on filters today.
Does it have cartridges? I personally hate those kinds of filters, the cartidges seem to fall apart quickly and constantly changing cartridges isn't good for the bactria you're trying to cultivate to keep the tank cycled. I'd change filters all together. For a 55, a canister would be a better option. I have an EHeim 2215 on my 40 gal (I also run an aquaclear 50 HOB as a spare) and I have had a FLuval canister in the past, either are good. If you're set on keeping a HOB, get an aquaclear 110. It comes with good media that'll last a long time and the basket is customizable so you can add pretty much anything you want; you can even cut up your current filter pad and put it in there.

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