Fin rot on Betta??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 19, 2018
Hey guys,

I have a veil male fighting fish in an 8L tank with a heater and filter, it also has a scuba helmet for an ornament.

I woke up to my fighters tale looking like it had been shredded, and I can't understand why. I suspected he had tail rot last monday so i was treating daily with an antibacterial remedy. Yesterday and last night he looked completely fine, this morning I wake up to half his fin being gone (have attached a pic).

I'm planning on doing a 25% water change, but any other advice would be great

I'm also not completely convinced it is fin rot due to how quickly it occured and it not being accompanied by a white fuzz on the tail. But any advice will help


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It will grow back. Seems like it takes forever but it will. And just a thought, he could be biting his tail do to stress. A 2 gallon tank isn't very much room for him. What type of filter do you have? If it has a flow that tosses him around or makes him swim all the time with no rest that stresses them out too. Have you tested the water? All Betta's need fresh clean water all the time. The fins will rot fast if the tank is not clean. 25% water changes in a 2g tank is not gonna do much for him. Smaller tanks need more maintenance. But, I'd test the water and clean the tank up, vacuum the bottom, and what ever your ammonia (if so) is than change out that X2. Veil tails are so different from the other Betta's, Imo. My veil was the first Betta I got. And I'll tell ya, he's gave me a few rounds on just about everything. I've got mine in a 10 g with a divider and another Betta on the other side. They are much happier in 5 gallons with a sponge filter. Imo.
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