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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 12, 2011
plant progress, aquascaping advice, which plants should I add?

So my wisteria really is making a lovely background, and the dwarf sag is making a decent carpet. I also have some crypts in the midground and some javafern on that left piece of driftwood. My java fern all died off except for a small bunch of new leaves so I tied the new ones to the driftwood, hopefully it was just due to acclimating. And the anubias is on the driftwood right side doing pretty good. I think it is time to start adding some more plants. Thinking about moneywort, rotala, bacopa, to help create some different textures in the midground now that the others are well established. With the LED's I believe this is a medium light tank, and I dose Excel and flourish comprehensive as well as root tabs.
Any ideas or suggestions?
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Ok I think I am done rearranging a bit now. It looks a little more relaxed, I know I am a little OCD but I think I like the wisteria in the corners and a more concave look with the open swimming area in the middle. Now I just need some medium height plants to grow there, some sort of stem plants that I can keep trimmed would probably be best. I am looking for ideas and suggestions!


  • ForumRunner_20111205_142650.jpg
    63.6 KB · Views: 183
Looks really good. I suggest some rotala rotundifolia (sold as rotala indica at Petco). That's the plant on the left side of my tank in my pic. It has nice purple highlights and will grow well under your lights. It will also grow fast and tall.
Yeah I was thinking the rotala would be good if I can get the tops to stay nice and pink it would give some contrast too.
bruinsbro1997 said:
Looks nice :)

IMO I would add some hygrophillia to the background.

I don't know much about hygrophillia, I am still tweaking the aquascape, each week when I do my water changes I adjust a little bit. I want to get it really full on the sides and bring it down in the middle.... I've still got a ways to go to get it to look like what's in my head, I am thinking of getting some river rocks just for the center though...
I just recently built a moss wall:

Obviously it hasn't started to grow out yet for me but this could be a cool idea to fill in the back or sides of your tank.
Neat idea, but I hate moss... Lol. I will see what the LFS had and post newer pics if I get ajythig else.
So I moved the driftwood even further to the edges to leave the middle open. This gives me space for some nice smooth river stones to make it look like a river bed, or some low growing plants.

Looking very good. I really like that carpet you have going on there.
Some vals or maybe some Hygrophila corymbosa angustifolia would be nice in the background. Both are easy to grow and will fill out a background quickly, if that is what you're going for. :)
Donkey Gun said:
nice! Is that an Aponogeton Crispus in the middle!?!? I love those plants.

In the middle is a crypt, the small grasslike plants are dwarf sag.

I was looking at some aquascapes and I like the concave look or river bed look with really dense planting on the sides and open swimming area in the center. So I don't really want to fill in the center, but I know it needs something!
Loving the angels!! The plants are looking good so far and the sag seems to be filling in nicely! I would recommend some rotala indica, it grows really well and it should grow well under LEDs. Pogostomon stellata is also a great looking plant!
Keep the updates coming :)
Thanks for all the input. I'm going to research all the plants suggested and see if I can find them locally.
Convict2161 said:
Nice tank and I loved your video! Love your narration! ;)

Thanks, lol, my husband was making fun of me the whole time but luckily the microphone on my phone camera didn't pick up his snarky remarks... Like "mmmm sushi". Haha. I thought it was corny and I hate the sound of my voice, but I learn so much from seeing everyone else's tanks and wanted to share my creation too. :D
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