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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 7, 2004
Euless, TX
:D Well, after my usual analysis paralysis I finally got the stand [mostly] done and used the old light "canopy" I bought from the guy who sold me the tank. I filled it with 135 lbs. of CaribSea crushed coral, several Holey Rocks, five bunches of anacris (sp?), and three fake plants for variety. I have two Rena Cal 200W heaters in the tank, and two Emperor 400's. I have pictures in the gallery, but be aware that the doors aren't finished yet for the stand (along with the final trim) and I haven't started building my own canopy yet.

So my question - now that I have added 8 Zebra Danios and 5 Tiger Barbs to start the cycle, what readings are typical (if there is such a thing) for ammonia/nitrites/nitrates? Maybe a better question is what levels become dangerous or alarming?

Ultimately I plan to have peacock cichlids, so anything I can do to prepare for that day would be a great thing! Thanks to all!
Also, what suggestions can y'all make for lighting for the canopy I am building? It will be a plywood/wood affair, about 74" long by 20" deep by 10" tall and will overlap the tank's upper rim. If possible I would like to have a FEW live plants (I have anacris now).
Ammonia should not get anywhere over 1ppm and nitrite should stay below 0.25 ppm to keep the fish healthy. If you are building your own hood then try to get 3wpg of light or a minimum of 2 wpg if you are only having a few plants. Cichlids are well known for not allowing plants to survive in aquariums though.
Thanks, tkos. Any thoughts about what size (physical) of lights? PC or regular fluorescent? I've just about exhausted my entire knowledge base of lighting for aquariums. I don't know diddly squat about how to start, though I have looked at
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