First 10 gallon tank.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 19, 2011
Outside Omaha Nebraska
As many if you know. It takes a while to get all the nice decor in your tank due to the fact it is expensive! I just got this on thursday. The occupiers of this tank are 9 snailies. <3 6-black mystery (wild) 2- gold 1-no idea. The second pic is the one i am not sure about. maybe someone can help me figure it out.
I'm glad you took the goldfish back! :) The second pictures looks like an apple snail to me.
I think it is an apple snail But my question is what kind? There is much variety in the apple snail family. Also I am almost positive that it is only about maybe 3 weeks?? I got it at the pet store and they gave it to me for free because of how small it was.
It's a ramshorn but ramshorn and pond snails are different. Pond snails art aka bladder snails and have a conical shell that opens to the left.
That looks too "flat" to be an apple snail to me. But once they get big (my golden apple is the size of a large tangerine), your tank is going to be too small. I think they need at least 2.5 gal per snail. I love the golden apples. I've been having trouble finding them. A few weeks ago I went to a lfs and they had one apple. It was light colored but covered in algae. I asked if it was a golden apple and I guess he was just looking to make a sale and he told me it was. Got it home and scrubbed it and its just a light colored striped apple. Bummer and do I feel dumb!

Planorbis species (Ramshorn snail). (picture not licenced under creative commons)
bettas like the warmer water mid to high 70's you mght want to invest in one also he may go after guppy because of the flowing fins
Well you see.. Here is what happened..
My sisters tank ::: 1beta 1fancy 6 sliders
My tank.... 9 snails..
The beta tries to eat the snails so they cant be together.
So I let her have all of the snails and I took the beta the guppy and a slider...
whats a slider exactly? and bettas normaly dont go after snails i had one that never paid any mind to it at all whered you hear that theyd eat the snails?
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