First Planted Tank - Timer Question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 24, 2011
Hi guys, this is my first time posting in this section of the forums because its my first planted tank :) .. i attached some pictures just to give you an idea of what plants i'm working with... my brother got me the plants so i don't know much about them but he said they are slow growing plants (and aquatic too)...

here's a link to the lighting system i am using on the tank:!_Bulbs_by_LET_Lighting

i have all the flourish line of products for dosing the aquarium and found this chart:

i also found this:

Seachem Dosing Calculator/Chart - Fertilizing - Aquatic Plant Central

im still unsure whether i need to be dosing every single product in the tank weekly or not... i have not done a lot of research on planted tanks yet, but i feel like i have a good start since i have good substrate, lighting, and the fertilizers with adequate filtration...

this is the substrate i am using:

if anyone has any pointers let me know

but my main question now is... i'm using a timer with those lights that i linked and the timer has 2 event modes, i was wondering if i could put the lights on for 8 hours a day but split them up into 4 hour sections... so right now my lighting schedule is:

10:15am on - 2:15pm off
9:15pm on - 1:15am off


is this healthy for the plants/fish? is there any negative effect of not doing 8 consecutive hours? how many hours would be sufficient with this type of lighting and plants? i want to minimize algae.

thank you everyone and i really want to be successful with the planted tanks. i read how i might not even need a co2 system with the tank i have. its a 55 gallon. personally i feel like its got a good ammount of plants...

also does anyone know any fast growing plants? i hear water wisteria is fast.. i need something that clown loaches wont eat :)

thanks everyone!!


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A lot of people have success with 4 on/off/on. One way to find out is by trying it yourself.

I just starting doing it to see if I can reduce the algae.
A lot of people have success with 4 on/off/on. One way to find out is by trying it yourself.

I just starting doing it to see if I can reduce the algae.

thanks a lot for this info... after i posted this i read in other reads about the 4 on/off/on technique and found out i was not alone :)
Can anyone else touch upon the other subjects I brought up in the post? :)

The timer issue is resolved, now I'm just a bit unsure about dosing the fertalizers and if i need to follow a strict routine with it or not?
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