First time with bloodworms

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 15, 2012
Joliet, Il
So as the title says I am giving my fish bloodworms to eat. How much would you guys feed a 50 gallon tank that has a few mollies, an angelfish, danios, and neon tetras? How often do you guys use bloodworms instead of flake food?
I gave them a bit and everone went nuts for it! It's like it was a superfood. My male molly ate it and it was like instant mating time. Zebra danios are chawing more than usual. Even my African dwarf frog found some and tried snapping at whomever came near his glorious feast.
It's like chocolate to them. Especially to angels. I would feed 1/4 - half a cube until they get out of their juvenile stage. I feed my tank everyday for dinner since a few of my newer fish will not touch flakes, pellets, waffers.
I didn't get the ones in a cube. Stuck on a budget so I got a brand called Aunt Sally's. They come in a plastic baggie. Any idea on how much of that?
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