Fish and new copper piping

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 19, 2004
Ontario, Canada
We have just finished building our new home and of course it has quite a bit of copper piping. We will be setting up the aquariums soon and I've read several times that water coming from new copper piping is not good for the fish. However, I cannot seem to find anywhere that tells me what I can do about the problem of having new copper piping. Can anyone here help me with this question?
I'm sure you will be fine if you let the water run for a few minutes before using it. Just use cold water. I think that hot water heaters can leach stuff for a short while after installation.
I think most dechlorinators also have EDTA or something in them to precipitate out heavy metals. Not sure if this works for copper, though, and not all water conditioners have this.

First off, copper isn't too bad for fish, but is deadly to inverts. If the copper levels due to pipes was really that big of an an issue, you would know about it by now. (I could be way off, but since I have copper pipes and can keep snails alive in my tap water I am assuming that the levels are fine).
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