fish and shrimp ?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 11, 2006
Lubbock Texas
What fish if any would you if any keep with shrimp?

I have a 75 gallon planted tank that i have had for several years and am kind of board with just fish, My fish stock has diminished quite a bit and i am thinking of getting shrimp but i don't want my tank to look empty.

recommendations please,
I've currently got about 120-150 Red Cherry Shrimp (started with 10!) in my 40g tank with Corydoras Habrosus, Hengel Rasbora, Chili Rasbora, and a couple of fish marked Blue Neon Goby (but I'm fairly sure they are Cobalt Gobies, stiphodon semoni). The Hengels occasionally dart at the shrimp but quickly realize they don't fit in their mouth and bugger off (y)

The Hengel Rasboras school very nicely and are quite active, adding a lot of movement to my tank. The Cory Habrosus are typically pretty active and shoal occasionally, mostly during feeding and maintenance. I like the chilis so far, but they mostly just explore the tank on their own unless I'm working in it. The gobies have been phenomenally interesting to observe compared to the other fish and should get to be about 2" as adults, but they primarily graze on algae/biofilm so I'm not terribly concerned (also, pretty small mouths as far as gobies go).

Aside from what I have, there are lots of interesting nano-fish that can be stocked with shrimp with relative safety. The key is to try and stick with fish that can't physically fit the shrimp in their mouth; which in the case of dwarf shrimps mostly means fish in the 1"-1.5" range (or smaller). I try to stick to sizes that can't consume juveniles, though even the ones I have don't seem to eat the babies that are out wandering the bottom of the tank (perhaps mine are just genetically predisposed to taste bad?). You may even have luck with some larger fish that aren't active predators or are just really slow and lazy as shrimp can move quite quickly when they feel the need.

Rachel O'Leary (Msjinkzd) runs a channel on youtube dedicated mostly to nano-fish and also runs an online store of livestock she breeds in her fish room. Great place to get ideas and information, and she sells most of the species she talks about on her channel!
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thanks for the info, i guess i need to find a place to order some shrimp from, then get rid of the two rainbows i have in there. i can keep the guppies and the neons,
thanks again
One other thing to note I forgot to mention is to pay particular attention to the genus and species you are ordering. Most of the colorful dwarf shrimp you'll see offered are color morphs of either Neocaridina Davidi or Caridina Cantonensis. While you can safely mix any of these together, be mindful that if you have different colors of a single species, the juveniles won't be a combination or mix of the two colors the parents were: the line-breeding reverts back to wild coloration (clear and brown, mostly). The neocaridina shrimp can't breed together with the Caridina shrimp, but Caridina what-evers CAN hybridize with Caridina what-cha-ma-haves (same with Neocaridina).

Some popular names you might find Neocaridina shrimp listed as are Red Cherry, Fire Red, Sakura, Blue Velvet/Pearl, Yellow, Snowball, or <insert color> Rili Shrimp. Unless you're looking to impress other shrimpers, there isn't anything that inherently makes a Fire/Painted/Sakura Red shrimp superior to a run-of-the-mill Red Cherry Shrimp, they just cost more due to varying coverage and opacity levels of the line-bred color. Myself, I prefer the red ones with clear marbling I seem to keep hatching (these are also trash grade as far as many are concerned).

Some popular Caridina shrimp include Red Crystal, Black Crystal, Tiger, and Bee. The same thing with adjectives and prices apply here, as well!
Great post skrape

Ive ordered shrimp several times from aquatic arts. Always happy.

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