Fish composition in a 350 liter tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 30, 2022

Just want to hear your thoughts in the fish-composition, which Im thinking to put in my newstarted 350 liter tank. They will not get in there all in one go, but I will be putting them in gradually. Starting with the barb and ending with the two Butterfly Ram.

Here we go:

Red phantom tetra – (Hyphessobrycon sweglesi) - 18-20.

Five banded barbe – (Desmopuntius pentazona) - 18-20.

Pearl gourami (Trichogaster leerii) - 4.

Butterfly Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) - 2.

Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) - 6.

Sterbai Cory (Corydoras sterbai) - 6.

Yellow or red Ancistrus sp - 6.
A few comments, although you should keep the fish you want to keep rather than what other people would.

I have both red and black phantom tetras. I personally prefer black phantoms because they seem much more active and interesting to watch than red phantoms. Red phantoms are obviously more colourful.

I would up the number of corys. 350 litres is a fairly big tank and you dont have much in the way of interest at the bottom of the tank or bottom feeding clean up. I would double the number of corys.

Those blue rams like the water hot. Much hotter than the other fish would prefer. From experience with these fish any compromise temperature could cause either your rams or everything else to suffer from poor health or possibly both. If you are set on blue rams then set it for them and stock everything else around the rams with other fish that like their water around 28 to 29c. The bolivian rams are normally ok at community tank temperatures.
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