Fish Food

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 23, 2006
Hi Guys,
I have an Angel fish..who at feeding time, (using flake food), takes the flake into his mouth, but then blows it back out again? Is this afraid if he keeps doing this..he wont be around much longer!! Any ideas?
Welcome to AA, racer! :smilecolros: :smilecolros: :smilecolros: :smilecolros:

That's how fish taste things and determine whether or not they are edible. Did you recently get this angelfish? Sometimes angels won't eat for a few days until they get used to their new home. If they are fed one kind of food for a long time, they will be reluctant to try anything else. Be patient and keep trying. Try offering another type of flake food or some thawed frozen fish foods. I've never seen an angelfish that will refuse frozen bloodworms!
Thanks..was a member of this site ages ago..but then I moved house..and forgot all about, i have the Angel fish about 3-4 yrs now...tried brine flakes today..but still the same response..tried some frozen daphnia (sorry abt spelling) yesterday..didnt touch afraid the nearest well stocked fish store is abt 50 miles anything frozen will be thawed out before i get home!
Buy a small cooler before you get your next batch of frozen food.

But that doesn't answer the original question. I've seen fish do the same thing - eat it, then spit it out. Usually, they eat, spit, eat, spit, until they have eaten everything. Seems like they are breaking up the food into more managable chunks. Who knows what's going on in those tiny brains.
yeah..he just doesnt seem to be swallowing any tho..
im sure the flakes are too big, my chromides and neons do that too

never the gouramis or balloon mollies, they'd never spit anything out.

triy slightly crumbling the food
Hmmm...the angel is 3 - 4 years old.

Maybe it's constipated. Is the fish producing any droppings? Is there any abdominal bulging? You could try feeding crushed boiled peas, but if he's not eating flake, I'm not sure that will help.

Have you added any new fish recently? Maybe it's an intestinal parasite. Again, what do the droppings look like?
Good question..havent noticed any droppings appearing out of him for awhile....What would the remedy be? Or there any?? I got some frozen blood worms today..and initially he swalloed a couple..then after awhile, he was back to his old trick of eating and then blowing it back out into the water...
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