Fish for a 29Gal freshwater

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 18, 2004
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Hello. As some people know who've read my other posts I recently developed an empty 29 gal tank. When it's all done cycling again, I want to get maybe 2 fish that will grow nice and big to take up room in it. I don't want to crowd it and I want to keep it simple. I thought of getting a couple oscards because I love how they react with their owners, but I learned they would get too big and that's a no-no. Does anybody have any suggestions? I just want a couple fish that will get nice and big. :) thanks.
A 29 gallon is definitely not big enough for even 1 oscar, let alone 2. You could keep 1 firemouth in there, or a pair of convicts if you like Central American cichlids. Or, you could go with dwarf cichlids like blue rams, Bolivian rams, kribs, apistogramma, etc. and get a school of tetras or something. I know there are some African cichlids that you could keep in there, if you are interested in Africans I would PM Menagerie. :mrgreen:
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