Fish Id..Crossing my fingers on the pics working! =)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 23, 2004
Prague, Czech Republic
I hope I dont look like an idiot with no photos coming through again...these are all 600X800 and each is less than I hope it works!

Can anyone please identify these fish for me??




I kow the one on the left- but the 2 on the right Im not sure-....


edited to say - i did try to fix it, but its just not going to work. if you dont mind cutting and pasting the links, Id appreciate it!!

The pics are too many kb to upload- though they are small enough on the website I have them on...

I also havet them posted in another forum (non-fish related) and they are showing up fine Im not sure whats up. I give up after this!! :oops: :p [/url][/img]
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It worked!! =)

So Im wondering if the top 2 are mollies?

and the other is a platy variant?

not sure on those cories..adolfo??
Wow, really?? You cant?? I can see them really well...I wonder why that is??

can anyone else see them??

I had really bad luck with the attachment thing yesterday- Id rather not go that route unless i have to!! 8O
Okay, I had to be creative to see the pics (cut and paste the link from the image properties) as they're not showing in your message. I think Webshots is your problem, by the way.

The top one looks like some sort of platy to me, or a female swordtail. I couldn't see much other than plants in the second pic. The third pic are definitely two male swordtails.

I'm not sure about the cories, but they might be pandas? I'm not a cory expert.
Hmm, Maybe it is webshots then. I just joined it to put these on here so I dont know..

The cory on the left is a panda, but the other 2 arent for sure..

the second photo has a black molly looking fish on the mid to upper left in the green was really hard to get a pic of him..

He just had babies with another fish that looks exactly like the yellow one, so whatever they are, they can breed together...

They were all (except the pandas...)l bought from the same tank, and they were all labeled as platies....thats why im asking...Im not sure they all are...

I go back to that first post and try to upload them again, but i did this yetsterday and never had any luck...
they are working for me, i think that the top one is def. a female sword because she doesnt have the fins on her belly like platies do (excuse my lack of scientific fin termage, i can never keep it straight).

judging by the top fin on the guy in the second pic (im not sure because its not a real good pic) i think its a molly.

the third one looks like he has the trademark sword of a male swordtail...? is that just the picture?

the corys i have no idea, my guess would be some color variation of the panda cory.

thanks! I actually just altered them to being links - I didnt think anyone else but me could see them!

It was HARD to get a pic of the black one - hes crazy and never stops chasing my Serpaes. Can a swordtail and a molly breed together?? cause these 2 did....

yeah it does seem to be the trademark tail....but I saw a photo somewhere of a platy that had the same tail.... (perhaps a mislabeled photo?)

The 2 corys on the right are for sure not pandas...the Pandas are the only fish I know well..

Thanks for your help!!
endgame, can you click on that link??

I will look at the site you listed in the meantime..

OK i looked and I cant use it because the images are just a little over the kn limit... sigh.....

edit: I think perhaps webshots will not all you to link off thier site. Other webshots members may be able to see them. *shrugs*
do your cories have gold orange behind the black stripe on their eye? if that is the case I think you have Corydoras adolfoi. These guys can be pretty expensive.. The fact that they were not label probably allowed you to get them pretty cheap.. :)

The black stripe on the back and eye looks like adolfoi but the pic doesn't show the gold/orange really..

If you copy the links and paste them in a new window you see them.
Yeah they do have that gold, I noticed that yesterday...they were for sure not labeled adolfoi - and they are really huge compared to my Pandas. they are also a little agressive with some of the smaller fish - well not agressive, but they chase them a little. they are pretty active fishies.

heres another photo - ill try to put in in the post, if it doesnt work, please cut and paste! :p

they cost the same as the sterbais i bought at the same time - i live in the Czech Republic and sometimes I think fish are just really mislabled....but im no expert. the cost the equiv of about 7 USD each (but the dollars exchange rate is really bad anymore - so they probably wouldnt be more than 4 USD if the exchange rate was normal...)

How much do adolfois cost normally?

HEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY why can't I see the pictures every time I cliked it said I was forbiden from seeing the fish pictures. :evil:
Ok I can see the pictures now. I just had to paste the addy into the address bar. The first one is a female swordtail, second one is a molly, third one is two male swordtails. And the fourth one is definately corydoras adolfi. The panda cory has different markings. Great find! In N/A we pay $15+ USD for those guys.

I hope you don't mind this but I copied your pictures up to my freewebs account and then used the
tags to get them into your original post. They should show up there now.

If you click the 'edit' button at the top of your original post you can see the format I used. I think that, for some reason, you can't link to your Webshots pictures in the manner you are trying to do it.
yeah they can breed togerther but rarely. a female swordtail looks pertty much like a large platy.

id say the 1st one is a female swordtail
2nd molly
3rd male swordtail
4th either adolphi or panda cories
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