Fish Ideas

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 31, 2012
Manchester, UK
I have a 12 and a half gallon tank with three mollies and four neons what would be some nice additions?

I have guppies, rummy nose tetras and clown loach ideas already

I would love advice and if any one had any pics I would appreciate it very much

I'm really looking for corlour but don't wont beta as if they die because they are so gorgeous I suppose it would make me awful... I know... Dramatic but it does make me feel bad :) !!!
I have a 12 and a half gallon tank with three mollies and four neons what would be some nice additions?

I have guppies, rummy nose tetras and clown loach ideas already

I would love advice and if any one had any pics I would appreciate it very much

I'm really looking for corlour but don't wont beta as if they die because they are so gorgeous I suppose it would make me awful... I know... Dramatic but it does make me feel bad :) !!!

Mollies need more room than a 14, they need 30g minimum. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but clown loaches are completely out of the question for you, clown loaches need a huge tank, like hundreds of gallons.
I second the clown loaches are not in the cards. I suggest mini/nano fish. Tetras are great, colorful and easy. I love neons, they really sparkle in a planted tank. Cories are a blast! I have too many at the moment..:flowers:
You're pretty much at capacity, unfortunately. Mollys are rather messy fish and take up a lot of bioload. Neons are small but active; same with rummynose and most tetras, danios, which ideally would be in a 20 gal minimum for more swim room. As others of have said clown loaches are not ideal for a small tank. You could add some shrimp though, a snail or two. If you want more fish it could be a good excuse to upgrade the tank. :)
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