Fish Identification help & fish images from asian countr

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 28, 2006
Hello everyone -

Last time I posted a bunch of pictures I took when I went on a trip to Taiwan and I received a lot of positive feedbacks. It was very encouraging.

After I came back to US, I got in touch with one of the aquarium magazine company in Taiwan last month and I got the permission to use their pictures. There is just so much variety in fish selection and the amount of pictures they provided me is just unbelivable.

I have the pictures posted at . I do try to update the site as often as possible, but since I have a fulltime job, I can only do it 2 or 3 times a week. It'll probably take me a long time to upload all of them, since i have over a few thousands of pictures.

However, I am not that fish smart and I do not know the name for the majority of the fish. I am looking for people to help me identify them.

Please enjoy them and help me identify them if you can. Thanks :p

Btw, here is the old thread
Here is the complete list of the pictures I took when I went on that Taiwan trip, for those who missed them

On Page One

Picture number P1010240 appears to be a South American 'dorado' (Salminus maxillosus)

Picture number P1010239 shows a number of individuals of one of the African Distichodus species (probably Distichodus sexfaciatus).

Picture number P1010241 appears to be a South American 'tiger shovelnose' catfish (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum or one of the similar species).

Picture number P1010235 is one of the Asian 'tiger fish' (Datinoides sp.)

Picture number P1010233 is one of the South American 'peacock bass' (Cichla sp. - probably Cichla temensis on the basis of the pattern).

Picture number P1010237 is one of the North American 'gar' (Lepisosteus sp.)

Picture number P1010236 is one of the captive breeds of the South American 'angel fish' (Pterophyllum scalare) though I have no idea what the breeders are calling that mutation.

Picture number P1010238 is likely one of the Asian 'helicopter catfish' or 'sheetfish' (Wallago sp.).

On Page Two

Picture number P1010234 is the 'red bay snook' (Petenia splendens or a similar species).

Picture number P1010226 is one the African 'bichirs' (Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri or possibly Polypterus endlicheri congicus)

Picture number P1010231 is a larger Distichodus sexfasciatus.

Picture number P1010227 appears to be one of the Asian 'arowana' (Scleropages...possibly the Australian variety sometimes called a 'Saratoga').

Picture number P1010225 is one of the South American Panaque species (probably Panaque sp.aff. nigrolineatus).

Picture number P1010223 is another of the South American 'peacock bass', probably Cichla ocellaris.

On Page Six

Picture number P1010162 shows a number of South American 'pencil fish' (probably Nannostomus beckfordi) swimming over one of the South American 'talking catfish' (probably the 'Striped Rapael' - Platydoras costatus).

On Page 7

Picture number 74 shows a few of the Asian 'hillstream loaches' clinging to the front glass but there's no way to tell which genus or species from the picture.

Picture number 75 shows the 'tiger shovelnose' again with a number of albino specimens of the 'Senegal bichir' (Polypterus senegalus) in the background.

Picture numbers 67 and 68 show the North American 'red horse minnow' or 'red shiner' (Notropis lutrensis).

Picture number 61 is a baby 'Asian arowana' of some sort.

Picture number 62 is one of the 'Asian arowana'.

On Page Eight

Pictures 63 and 64 are man-made hybrid 'parrot cichlids' (no scientific name is assigned to hybrids).

Picture 58 shows various color variations of the South American 'discus' (Symphysodon).

Pictures 56 and 57 appear to be a captive strain of some type of 'molly' (Poecilia sp.).

On Page Nine

Pictures 52 and 53 are one of the African 'squeaker catfish' (Synodontis sp.)

Picture 43 is an albino Asian 'giant gourami' (Osphromenus goramy).

Picture 40 is one of the hybrid 'flowerhorn' cichlids

Picture 41 is the African cichlid Cyphotilapia frontosa

On Page Eleven

Picture 24 shows two South American catfish, one is a 'bristlenose cat' (Ancistrus sp.) and the other is a 'whiptail cat' (Rineloricaria sp. - possibly Rineloricaria parva).

Picture 27 shows some African 'shell-dwelling cichlids' (Neolamprologus sp.).

Picture 13 is one of the Asian 'fighting fish' species, possibly a female Betta macrostoma.

On Page Twelve

Picture 14 is probably the 'red tailed redeye puffer' Carinotetraodon irrubesco from Asia.

Pictures 9 and 10 aren't actually a fish. They show an 'axolotl' which is a neotenic form of a salamander (Ambystoma sp.).

Pictures 4 and 5 show one of the color variants of the 'dwarf gourami' (probably Colisa lalia).

I'll leave the saltwater stuff and some of the African Rift Lake cichlids to the real experts in those fields.

Hope this helps a little,

Oh....and on your 'WallpaperFishTalk' site....

Page One

First picture/First Row are fancy goldfish of some sort
Third picture/ First Row is an Asian Arowana (Scleropages formosus)
First picture/Second Row are Discus (Symphysodon sp.)
First and second pictures/Third Row are more fancy goldfish
Third picture/Third Row is a hybrid 'Flowerhorn' cichlid

Page Two

Second picture/First Row appears to be one of the freshwater 'wasp fish' (Vespicula species) facing off with a flatfish of some sort.
Third picture/Second Row is one of the 'Red Devil' type of cichlids (Amphilophus) but I'm no real expert on that group.
First picture/Third Row appears to be an Australian Arowana (Scleropages jardini).
Second picture/Third Row is a nice head-on shot of some sort of catfish. My first impression is of a 'Walking Catfish' (one of the Clarias species, perhaps).

Page Three

First picture/First Row is probably the 'Red Tailed Redeye Puffer' (Carinotetraodon irrubesco).
Second picture/First Row is one of the Apistogramma species of dwarf cichlid but I'm not expert enough to tell you the species.
First picture/Second Row appears to be one of the Asian Barilius species.
Second picture/Second Row is some sort of 'barb' though I've never seen that particular species. It seems to resemble Barbus nigrofasciatus but it isn't quite right.
Third picture/Second Row is the 'Red-tailed Shark' (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor)
All of the pictures in the Third Row are Asian Arowanas
Those goldfish look more like ryukins or veiltails or the ever so common man-yu goldfish. Definately not orandas. You have some pearlscales in another picture I saw.
Well hush my mouth and call me mumbles....I'm sure you're right, Toirtis. We don't see ANY of those down here in the good ol' U.S. of A.

DepotFish said:
Those goldfish look more like ryukins or veiltails or the ever so common man-yu goldfish. Definately not orandas. You have some pearlscales in another picture I saw.

Top pic - the gold on the right has no dorsal fin - that would make it a Ranchu (or lionhead), the other 2 are prob Ryukins. Definitely no Orandas in any of the pics.

You have a pair of discus on Page 3 top right most.
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