Fish Names?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 26, 2011
I was thinking to myself and wondering how many other people name their fish. I know a lot of people have to many fish to name or just cannot tell them apart. If you do name your fish did you name all of them or just your favorites. Personally I have only one of my fish with a name it is my 9 year old white Comet Goldie in my avatar its name is Lace. If you do lets hear some of the names:D
I have a red tailed barracuda named Barry a tiger dat named scarface and a Senegal bichir named t Rex I also have a feeder fish that got to big to be eaten so he now resides with the rest of my fish and got the name bulldog since he likes to bully fish 3 times his size
When I got my tank 3 years ago I cycled it with hardy fish. Those fish I deliberately did not name as I expected them to perish (I know, I'm evil for cycling with fish - I don't do that any more). They ended up living for a couple of years without names. I finally started adding the type of fish I really wanted and named them. In fact, I had 5 fish and named them after everyone in my home. Only 2 of those survived after 3 months (poor quality from my local LFS - dealt with a lot of sickness right off the bat). My wife told me after that to never name a fish after her :)! So right now I have a healthy tank with 18 fish and 2 snails; none of them have a name. I may be superstitious, but it seems like after I name them they die:confused:. So, no more naming for me. I might, and I stress might, name a fish that has a long natural life span and has been in my tank for at least a month with no problems:)!
When we first started our tank, we had a black Molly and two corydoras. We named them Molly, cory and Dora. How original ;) we had to give Molly back to the lfs, and we now have five tetras, four of which I can't tell apart. The other one eats anything that gets into the tank, and so almost constantly has a lumpy belly. He's called Lumpy ;)
I've had one fish at a time over several years. All were bettas. The first, a veiltail, was ruby, then same, mystic, and mairnard. Then I got into crowntails and named my first one Fred. My current one is Alejandro or Allie for short. My first ones were in bowls, I know shame on me, and all lived two years except for Fred. Illness claimed him. Now I know better, and Allie has a spacious ten gallon with filter(he actually doesn't mind the current) heater and plenty of places to hide. He senses when I come into s room and comes out of hiding then unless I'm with someone else. Lol, Sweet Sweet Bettas!!
I currently have an Eclipse catfish, a Pangasius cat, a Bala shark, a Pleco algae eater, and 3 tiger barbs. The two cats I have had for a little over a month now and they both have names, the eclipse is named houdini for the fact he hides during the day and you can never find him, the other is shadow cause he likes to play with his reflection in the glass. My wife named both of them, I never really thought of naming the fish but she said they are apart of the family so they needed names. The rest of the fish I just got today so she hasn't had time to name them lol but they will have some soon. My wife also has a female betta that is named jewel for the way she shimmers in the light. My wife will swear to anyone that the betta knows her name just like the dog knows his lol if she really does know her name I dunno but I'm not going to ague with her about it it's that simple lol
The only fish I have named is my Oscar Fish, who I call Oscar. We're expecting our first child though and I'm sure all the rest of the fish will get names...
I've never named my fish. There is just do many different fish and they can come and go at any time. I also believe in the old supersition that namig Your fish is bad luck haha.

They are what they are. Let them name themselves in their own way.
I name all my fish! Lol :)
My Kissing Gouramis - 'Montrer' and 'Peucalme'
Sailfin Pleco - 'Cutie Pie'
Snowball Pleco - 'Gadget'
Corydoras - 'Oreo' and 'Bourbon'
German Blue Ram - 'Oli'
Neons - 'Ne-yo' and 'Nena'
Cuckoo Catfish - 'Coucou'
Lemon tetras are just all lemons..
I have quite of fish that are very similar...BUT I have named my biggest Amano shrimp, barbossa, since he loves hanging out on the ship. My wife calls the CRS, Gunnersaurus (since it has the red n white of Arsenal), the Blue Dwarf shrump we call Bluebell and one of the swordtails we have has black dots, my daughter calls her Speckles.

Cant give my panda corys names their look like triplets lol!
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