Fish not eating-

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Columbia, MD
We have a 49 bow front tank with only four fish and live rock. The water appears to be merky, the algae is a brown/blackish color. We just found our start snail dead. I am a bit worried. PH was checked when water was changed and it was low however my fiancee added a PH chemical to it. We recently removed a fish a month ago. We are stumped.

Oh and our fishies appetites are minimal. They appear to be more aggressive as well.

Any advice would help too.

1 to 2 lbs per gallon should suffice. Have you cycled the tank? How about some water test results.
Oh yes the tank has been completely cycled.... we figured the problem out. The filter stopped, a kink in the hose stopped the water flow in the tank. They are swimming more and eating. Go figure! Thanks.
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