Fish randomly died?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 12, 2019
I have 3 mollies and have (did) 4 platies. One of my platies just randomly died. She was fine for around 4 months, and before she died, showed no sickness. My tank is very cycled and she always ate good too. Does this just sometimes happen? They just randomly die?
I had something similar happen to my platies =( My tank was also well cycled and water parameters were spot on. Unfortunately, I think that many of the live breeders get bred in tanks that are over populated and they are more prone to infections because of this....its just a hunch I have.

Unfortunately, treatment is not easy. Some general things you can try include keeping your tank temp on the low side of the recommended range for your fish, as well as staying on top of water changes.

Just wondering, what size is your tank?

Keep us posted!
Has she recently given birth? I had a molly die after a difficult pregnancy/birthing. Were the mollies or other platies bullying her?n

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