Fish suggestions neede

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2011
I have a 30 inch 30 gallon freshwater tank which i am just setting up to cycle. Local water supply is hard and alkaline (Ph ~8). Would like to keep some easy to keep plants like anubias and java fern/moss. Can anyone give some suggestions as to compatible fish??

Had considered cichlids but i think my tank is too small.
I suggest a bristle nose Pleco for cleaning everyone needs a pleco
If you what cichlids what type? New World or African?
For New World you could do Bolivian rams, GBR, severum cichlids, convicts, Double Full Red Cockatoo Cichlids, keyhole, and firemouth cichlid.
For Africans you could do shellies, i think kribis but I'm not the best on African Cichlids.

If you did do a pair of any of the New World rams you could also put a school of cories at the bottom, and maybe a school of tetras as well.
Thanks for the suggestions! the bolivian rams look interesting and compatible with my tank setup :)
I love the look of bolivians! I want some, you could also do some corydoras at the bottom and maybe a school or two of tetras or danios or some other schooling fish. That would look really nice! Have you seen any other fish that you like?
So to go with the Bolivians I think I will add one of the smaller pleco's, maybe a clown if i can get one, and then as you suggest probably a school of danios or ideally congo tetra, i really like the subtle coloration they get when more mature and the shape of the tail fin. Have some time to think it over as I just started cycling my tank.... will be adding some plants too before the fish.


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Oooohhh, I'm so jealous! So exciting to be stocking. I have been searching all the LFS for some GBR, but to no avail, they all say none available since it's been so hot they can't ship! Hope all goes well for you it looks like a great start.
I have some ghost shrimp in my tank that's 8 gallons but once is 55 is up and so is my 12.5 gallon I'm getting lots of different shrimp;). Why do you want to know?
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