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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 7, 2004
Ontario, Canada
Just wondering if having 8 ghost shrimp, 4 platies (1 male and 3 females) and 8 guppies (2 males and 6 females) too many fish for a 29 gallon tank? There is also one small crypt variety plant. The tank is 3 weeks old and I am doing two 25% water changes per week. The fish all seem very lively and happy. Two of the guppies look pregnant. Survival of the fittest if there are any fry in the near future.
Thats to many fish for a tank so young, yes.

and since the platies and gppies occupy the same space of the water, I would say it is overstocked.

Get rid of the platies, or guppies, and get yourself some bottom dwellers like Cories. AFTER your tank is fully cycled, however.
You'll have to be very religious about the water changes for a few weeks - that's a BIG bioload for an uncycled tank. You may want to consider 10% water changes every other day to lessen the chance of drastically changing the water temp or pH too much. I'm concerned about stress leading to ich, the most common new tank disease. If you can get your hands on Biospira, that would be the best bet.

Also, now is the time to plan a 10 gal quarrantine tank - you'll need another tank for all those fry eventually anyway! :)
William said:
Biospira works when the fish are put in, it has little effect on spiking ammonia
:oops: I misread three weeks as three days - must be past my bedtime *yawn*. Guess he'll have to cycle the slow way.
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