Fish TB

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 6, 2005
i think thats what im dealing with...i have had the neons in the QT tank for over a month now...still having that one spot each that resembles ich...but after almost 8 weeks of high temp nothing has a crooked spine...and about half of them are looking really ive been reading a lot about TB lately...and im scared, confused and not quite sure how to proceed...i cant bring myself to euthanize the whole tank...and thats what most sites recommend...the remaining fish in the 29gal...well i dont know...i posted about the rasboras being bloated and after this long its definitely not scales sticking out though...the 2 platies are hiding all the time now but they do come out to eat...and the otos are just rasbora has red strikes on the fins next to the gills...and he looks thin as well...oh man...i just dont know what to do... :?
there is a tetra illness that resembles TB.. you might want to check it out..
the prospects on it isnt great but at least its not TB..

whats going on?
whats your maintaince like?
this seams like you got a really bad illness from the store or it reminds me of the dark side of OTS that Ive seen a few times.. ouch..
sorry to hear about this.. :? :(
The only thing that I could find that was really at all helpful is that they have to ingest the medication, as in medicated foods. Are they still eating?
they do eat...everything else except the medicated food...i have erythromycin and neomycin both in some sort of gel food...i dont even think those are good against TB... :?
See if you can find some metronidazole. It's great for treating internal infections/parasites. It can be bought exclusively online, but Jungle's Fungus Clear has it in it in a less concentrated amount, and is easy to find in stores.

If they don't work, and you start seeing further spinal deformation (which occurs in the more advnaced stages of TB) I would euthanize. At that point, I don't think any amount of medicine will cure the fish.

As for the neon tetras...maybe you are dealing with NTD, which I don't know much about....and I don't think it's very well documented. You can try treating with erythromicin or neomycin, not in medicated food form. This may help some.

Just providing a link, no advice, I didn't have any luck with Neons, the black neons (aside from coming with ich) are great, but regular neons are too edible for my tank.

Just a little note, TB is not that common, red streaks are bacterial (Hemorrhagic Septicemia, typically Gram-), typically associated with overcrowding, stress or polluted water.

Treat with, 50% water change, + carbon to remove the meds you already added for 1 day, remove carbon, treat with Maracyn2, full course (5 days, double dose on first day, 1 packet (now powder formula, used to be pill, can be either, check expiry date, if it's not on the box then it's on the foil and probably expired) for each 10 gallons, (so 29Gal tank would be 6 packets first day, 3 each day for remaining 4 days), observe at end of treatment for improvement (you should look every day, improvement should be noticeable after 2nd day, but don't expect 100% recovery by then.), if still signs at end of treatment, extend it a couple more days, if there is no improvement after 5 days, try maracyn (not 2).

You can also add melafix as it will help with the fish healing.

I'ld recommend an Ammonia badge to monitor if your biological filtration fails, which is always a possibility with anti-bacterial meds. Keep an ammonia remover (Prime de-toxifies ammonia, amquel does the same I believe) just incase.

Edit: I noticed you are using med. food only, so you can skip the carbon step.

2nd Edit: The fish may be suffering from bacterial infection alone, most likely internal, Maracyn2 doesn't require them to eat which is good.. Wasting can also be caused by bacteria, as can bloating as Hemorrhagic Septicemia progresses it will cause fluid to leak into the fishes body, (I know, sounds silly, it's soaking in water), but that is the way it progresses, you may also notice ulcers, red streaks, fin decay, sores at fins or wasting (fish not eating, or bacteria consuming what it does eat).

It may also be primarily Parasitic, tho most parasites give some external sign..
i have maracyn II...maybe i should try that...i havent used it because im not sure what it will do to the pretty good with keeping the tank clean...and my nitrates never go above 5ppm...i did treat them with change and yesterday i just finished treating with pimafix...again no change at all...pimafix its supposed to help with septicemia and thats why i used if its not TB can the crooked spine mean NTD??? im not too familiar with it but ill check it and see what i can tempted to euthanise just the one with the crooked spine and bring it over to my dogs vet and see is he can come up with an answer...
If you really think its Tb euthanize the fish and sterilize anything that has come in contact with them (including yourself if your hands were in the water). TB is highly contagious and can be x-ferred from fish to man.
My cochu's did the same thing, I had 13, I now have 4. the congo's were eating their bodies whenever I found them, 3 congo's have died, all showing signs of septicemia, the last cochu that went was in the tank for a full day and there was virutally nothing left, the serpae's and others all got sick, I treated for 2 days with MaracynTC, no change to any fish. Cleaned out most of the TC (tetracycline) after reading most bacterias are immune to it now. Put in Maracyn2, lost the 3rd congo that was too far gone, all other fish have recovered 100% and show no further signs of problems.

The Cochu's were dying with crooked spines, dropsy and a host of other bacteruial related problems.

I really think you're problem sounds the same, and we both probably bought the fish at the same store (not location, but chain)

Edit: Also, Melafix and Pimafix(Parasitic) are not actual antibiotics, they are strictly herbal and promote the fishes immune system, typically by the time you notice the problem it may be too late for it to help.

However, if you QT fish on their way in, it's a great addative to the tank to stop stress related diseases from having an outbreak.

Also, have you considered calling the store that you got them from and asking if any of their fish have exhibited signs of TB (if you have the tank#, then that could be helpful)? If they haven't then perhaps they could tell you if there was a reported problem from that specific tank and give you a point in the right direction.
ive had all this fish for almost a year now...last time i went to big als looking for kanamycin to treat TB i talked to the guy and he was the one who sold me all this fish...didnt say a word...anyways...i think even if i ask ...they wouldnt admit that they have fish sick with TB or maybe they think their fish just die...for any other reason...but ill also going to try maracyn II...i have jungles antiparasite food so i was wondering if i can use that along with the antibiotics... :?
Don't see why not.

And he would have said something if any tank there had TB, it would be gross neglegence to not say anything.
ill ask next time i go there...i was reading about NTD and the crooked spine could be one of its it says harlequin rasboras are prone to it i really dont know what they have....the sad part is that it doesnt matter which one of the two its is...there is no cure for either.... :(
Easiest way to sort out which one, did you introduce a fish that had TB? it is not something that will stay dormant for 1 year and wait for an opportunity from what I understand.

Could you post a couple of pictures, closeups would be best. so we can help you try to figure it out, rather then going by the symptom list?
ive had them all for almost a year and ive quarantined them all for 2 weeks before i introducing into the main trying my best to get a pic of the neons but they are so small its hard to get a decent one...ill keep trying though....
i give them frozen blood worms maybe once a week...and i think the last plant i added was the java fern about 4 months ago...could it have come with one of them may be? :roll:
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