fish territorial maybe?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 19, 2023
so i got a yoyo loach and some black loaches. theres a small shelf like enclosure my one kuhli loach loves and almost never leaves too much. the thing is its pretty small space and my yoyo loach is bigger and every now and then goes in it and i see him thrashing about hitting my poor kuhli loach. Is this a territorial thing im guessing or bullying? it never happens in the day but when i wake up i see him sometimes doing it i just stare at my yoyo loach and he stops and leaves always lol.

hopefully when i get more yoyo loaches and kuhlis it will solve the problem. i got plenty hiding places but thats my one kuhlis layer and yoyo sometimes goes in it
Loaches are mainly nocturnal so that can explain why it happens at night more than during the day. I suspect it's just the Yo-Yo's way of saying " Get out of my way." If it were territorial, the Yo-Yo would stay in the hiding spot and kick everybody out.
ahh ok, just wasn't sure it looks like it would hurt the kuhli loach lol he getting knocked against the wall and stuff that makes sense appreciate the advice always andy.
ahh ok, just wasn't sure it looks like it would hurt the kuhli loach lol he getting knocked against the wall and stuff that makes sense appreciate the advice always andy.
I didn't say the Kuhli wouldn't get hurt. Yo-Yos have those retractable spines under their eyes so if the argument gets too heated, those spines may come into play. :eek: You might want to add some small tubes that the kuhli can get in to but the Yo-Yo can't. If you can't find small tubes, you can take the smallest cpvc pipe and place end caps on each end then drill a small hole for the Kuhli to get in and out that's too small for the Yo-Yo. (y) ( drill the holes on the edge so you can have it on the bottom of the pipe, not the middle. :whistle: )
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