Fish that suitable in 5 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 15, 2014
I have a 5 gallon tank that was laying around in my garage so I came up with the idea to Set it up as a planted tank but I was wondering what kind of fish I can put in a 5 gallon tank?
Well I already planed the tank and it's my first planted tank ever but honestly I was thinking about guppies or neon tetras as I see at the pet store it's suitable for up to 5 gallon but not sure if it's true that's why I'm here lol here is a pic of my tankImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392698630.393479.jpg it's still cycling so I'm not Ganna rush just trying to get some ideas
Well I already planed the tank and it's my first planted tank ever but honestly I was thinking about guppies or neon tetras as I see at the pet store it's suitable for up to 5 gallon but not sure if it's true that's why I'm here lol here is a pic of my tank it's still cycling so I'm not Ganna rush just trying to get some ideas

You can add a guppy or maybe 2 maybe. I wouldnt add neons because they need to be in a group of 5 and need atleast 10g. I like your tank too, maybe add a tallish piece of driftwood
So from my understanding ur saying that I can put a betta with 2 guppies is that right ?? And yes driftwood on the way I'm just waiting for it to get in the mail
So from my understanding ur saying that I can put a betta with 2 guppies is that right ?? And yes driftwood on the way I'm just waiting for it to get in the mail

No no no a single betta OR a guppy or 2 but personally I would just stick with a betta and some snails or shrimp
Got it lol well thanks I really appreciate ur help?
No! Go with African Dwarf frogs! You can get away with two in there! They're so fun to watch! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392703370.988792.jpg
Here are a few other options:
Dwarf puffer
Chili rasboras and a sparkling gourami
Dwarf shrimp like red cherry shrimp
Scarlet badis
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