Fish with nipped fins

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 11, 2006
Lubbock Texas
I have a 100 gallon tank, four hours after a 50 % h20 change today my water parameters were Nh3/Nh4 0 using the api kit
No2 0
nitrate 0 to 5
using the mardel strip 5 in 1 test
tot. alkalinity/buffering capacity 120 to 180
tot. hardness 120
the ph on both test was about 7.6
My question is can I use melafix in my tank to treat the nipped fins on several fish I have in kmy tank Long fin rosey barbs red sarpey tetras 2 angles ( will be taking back to the lfs) I think they are the problem. male guppies emarald cary cats clown loaches bn pleco flying fox zebra danios neon tetras 1 female guppy and 8 guppy fry in a breeders trap. lemon tetras. I run 2 canninster filters, and keep the tank about 78 degrees.

Will this med. hurt any of my fish it is mainly the guppies and a few of the long finned roey barbs. I have never put anything but water a fish in my tank so any helpfull suggestion would be appreciated.

Thanks Tess.
Do you have a hospital tank where you can treat the nipped fish? Dosing 100 gal is going to get expensive and treat the unaffected fish needlessly.

Melafix is pretty mild if used as directed. It doesn't affect the biofilter, and it doesn't seem to bother scaled fish (except bettas and gouramis). Just keep an eye on your corys, loaches, and plecos. Some scaleless fish are extra sensitive to certain meds. If they show signs of agitation, discontinue the med and do a large water change.

I keep angels with smaller fish like tetras, and they don't seem to bother them. I really don't know how angels will behave around long-finned fish like your rosy barbs and guppies. Perhaps someone else here can help verify whether your angels are indeed the culprits.

Sarpey tetras = serpae tetras? I've kept these fish before and found their nippiness too annoying. They pretty much kept their fin nipping to themselves, though, and didn't bother my other fish.
Serpaes are extremely nippy, so I'd suspect them of nipping each other and the Roseys and guppies before I suspected the Angels. I'm suprised your Angels don't have nipped fins. ;)
My angels not having nipped finns is the reason I suspect them. My sarpaes just seem to chase each other.

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