Fishes tail falling apart

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 25, 2003
What can cause this
my fish is not going to live is he
because of his tail
they cant re grow tails.

As long as the base of the fin is left intact without deterioration, then your fish should regrow his tail. However, you must act fast to determine what is causing this erosion !

First, describe the fin to me. Does it have a cottony growth at the tip of the deteriorated area ?

Also, please answer these questions for me so that I can help diagnose this problem :

1.) What are your water parameters ? Ammonia, nitrIte, and pH are needed.

2.) How long has it been since your last water change ? At that time, did you thoroughly vacuum your substrate ?

3.) Other tank inhabitants.

4.) Size of tank and type of filtration.

5.) History of this tank ... any history of illness ? Any other fish in this tank have the same symptoms ?

If I can have a bigger picture of what is going on in your tank and with your fish I can better help you !

First of all, what type of fish is it? Second, what other fish are in the tank? Is the tail litterally falling off or is it getting a tattered, torn look?

Is you fish getting chased a lot by any of the more aggresive fish in the tank? This could be the reason for your problem. If this is the case, you may need to find a new home for the fish in question to keep the others from killing it - do they allow it to eat or chase it away during feeding time?

Give us a little more info - and a picture if you can provide one.
I don't know about the great mind part. I'm just repeating some of the great advice I've already gleamed from this site. This has been the single best tool I have found for solid adivce. Not everyone agrees but there is enough diversity of opinion for you to sift out what is useable and what is not. It's a much better alternative than listening to the guy at pets mart who thinks clown loaches don't belong in a tank with New World Cichlids, but that a Jack Dempsy and an Oscar would be a nice addition (true story)- that would have been a blood bath!
Cant think of the name he has a orange spot on his head
Can you give us some more info on your tank and the other fish in it? If you happend to have a digital camera and can post a picture, I'm sure someone here can help identify it, or can you find out from the store where you got the fish, what kind it is?

Without more information, it's kind of like taking your car into the mechanic and saying, "it's not running right." Your going to have a high bill and be without a car for a long time if you can't give the mechanic a little more informationt to help narrow down the source of the problem.
I think a commet or redcap as he has a red bit on his head
OK, I'm sorry, Shez ... but I don't think I can help you based on the information you are providing. Unless you can meet us half way and provide some substantial information to give us some clues as to what may be going on with your fish, I'm afraid I will have to defer this question to some one who can decifer your question. :?
*nods and agrees with cindywindy* Heh, I think a psychic would be needed, not one of us *grin*

If you want us to help you help your fish Shez, we need the info cindywindy asked for in her first post. Without knowing water parameters (ammonia nitrite nitrate pH temps), tankmates, water change frequency etc, we do not have enough information to help you or make any safe suggestions.
He still not well but
I am going to get myself a nitrate tester.
my mum did say that if he does go she will get me one that looks the same to replace him but its not the same
I have for about 3 and halve years now thats really long for a fish
I name my fish wired names I have one fish called Lips, Shubkin beacause he is a shubkin,a radish orangish fished called blue one fish without a name and my little spot who is ill. :cry: :fadein: :oops: :cry:

A nitrAte tester will likely not help in determining the problem with this fish. More importantly, we need to know ammonia, nitrIte, pH, and any other history you can give about the tank itself and the fish inside. I'm sorry your fish is sick, but in order for us to help solve the problem, we have to be clear about what the problem is.

Do you do water changes ? How much do you change ? Do you vacuum the gravel ?

With the little bit of information we have been able to extract about the fish, it will be impossible to diagnose the problem and suggest a treatment !
Hey Shez? Ask your mom to read thru this thread; maybe then she can help you grab the tests you need from the store.
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