fishles cycling

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mark shirah

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 23, 2005
georgia usa
i am on day 28 of fishless cycling. followed the usual procedure of adding and keeping ammonia around 4-5 ppm. at day 14 i got the nitrite spike. reduced ammonia to keep a lower level. now on day 28 nitrite went to 0, but still have ammonia level around .5 ppm. what are my next steps and when should i lower temp. i kept temp around 85 during cycle.
I would do a water change 50% or so, test the ammonia if it still says .5 then I would bet your test kit is faulty. Take a sample of water to the LFS to test or get a new kit. If it goes down to zero or really close to it in 24 hours then you are done. I would turn the temp down now, your bacteria is pretty much done populating.
You're likely just in the last few days of the cycle, but as Rich mentions, your test kit might be reading false ammonia levels.

how much ammonia are you dosing now? 2-3ppm should be plenty.

are you detecting nitrates now as well?
Malkore brings up a good question about the nitrates. If there are no nitrates the test kit may be faulty or your cycle isn't quite done yet.
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