fishless cycling

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 18, 2005
Hi I'm new here--and I just set up a 30 gal freshwater tank and am currently doing a fishless cycle. I've read up on this quite a bit but I still don't understand how the nitrite level initially occurs. Is it necessary to have filtration media or gravel from an established tank to introduce the nitrites? or does that just speed up the process?
Nitrite shows up as a result of the first batch of bacteria breaking down the ammonia secreted by your fish. Media/gravel from an established tank provides seed bacteria to speed up the bacteria colony growth, otherwise the bacteria has to come from the air around the tank. I've seen documented cases of 10-day fishless cycles with seeding.
from the air

from the air around the tank? I get it now. thanks! 10 days? i should definitely try the seeding..
Its not necessary, but it will make it go waaayyyy faster. If you can get a used filter pad or a handful of used gravel, you'll probably full cycle in about a week or less. Once you have an established tank, you never really have to cycle again.
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