FishsheetA7: Stocking Freshwater Aquariums

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 7, 2010

I have been working on a new fishsheet for a while now and I have to admit I am pretty happy with this one. This one has a ton of new features including multi-sheet applications, species "blackout" when fish are not suitable for a particular environment, editable compatability (not finished, unfortunately), and side-by-side comparisons with other stocking rules (inch-per-gallon and graduated area rule). Also, I simplified the entire user interface--less jargon, more application. Anyhow, I would really appreciate if some of you would take a look at it and tell me what ya think...


It is Excel 2007 (.xlsx). I know that it can be an inconvenient format for people who have not had the opportunity to upgrade their systems, but I have no other format that can handle some of the computations. I had to balance usability with accuracy and the best blend I had available was .xlsx.

I've give it another shot when I have a little more time. I'm pretty tech savvy, so shouldn't be a problem.
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