Fishwrangler's 75gal Salty Adventure

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peppermints are more nocturnal and hunt at night ,

10 for trates is fine IMO
yes for a FOWLR with no inverts , Safe FOWLER parameters range from 0 to 40 with 20 being safe, but I totally disagree even here I still say closer to 0 is best as for higher parameters cause more stress on a fish and shortens there life ,

a reef tank the parameter range is 0 to 20 with 10 being safe , I still say closer to 0 is best , letting parameters rise to 10 or more is leading to issues , I call it neglect leading to algae issues , also health of the fish ,

inverts are sensitive to the slightest change , the slightest change in parameters over
1 ppm in a 24 hr period can and will kill a invert , closer to 0 is best , it also helps him learn about parameters , it teaches water changes are needed to keep water quality at it's best , not only will the fish be happy and healthy so will all the inverts , staying in the range of under 5 will not only help with the health of the tank but will be beneficial once he decides to add coral as coral will thrive
learning to do things correctly rather than Oh it will slide will help prevent major issues

High nitrates lead to high phosphates leading to water quality issues , which can lead to bigger issues ,
I was joking around...

Heading out for the lfs once I finish this for my fish!! :dance::dance::D

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let us know what you get :D pictures if you can
if I sounded pushy it's not me just how I typed it
most saltwater fish stores out here are closed on sun which never made any sense, most people are off on week ends,
Testing the water :D

The lfs I go to is open week round which is nice because its a 45 min to hour drive. Have a much closer one, but they have weird hours and are pricey.
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Whats that white spec on the end of the tube theres also one in water about a inch down off the hose,
fish in a pot hope they don't think there dinner :D
what kind of gobie is that , clowns look happy already lol
be careful with that caupularia it can be very invasive as it grows fast and once it roots it is almost impossible to get rid of (just a heads up)
well your on your way I know you must be stoked , I will admit it's a very addictive hobby , as much money I spend each month in a year I could have bought a car lol , and that's no lie ,
I wish you good luck with your new saltwater adventure and hope you enjoy it as much as I do,
and remember no question is stupid , I know there was many I asked when I first started
I believe the white spec is just a spot of water. I cleaned up the bucket and tube so I cant be sure.
Its a pink spotted goby
Thanks for the heads up on the caupularia. The tank with the goby had lots of it and I got some with him.

*Panic mode engaged* saw my lights turn on for the first time and I see something move along the back wall. I thought it was the goby until the end came into view and its a 6 inch flat worm!! I have no idea if thats what it actually is or not but my hand is not going to move the sand around any more!!
I also noticed little black spots on the smallet clown. Pictures below.

the dark thing is a tiny section on the worm.
Black spots on clown. Sorry about the quality, but these fish don't stop moving!
Is this a harmless amphopod (sorry about spelling)

I'm also seeing little things that are clear, appear to have tiny legs, and a tadpole like tail. Sorry but I can't get any pictures of these guys.

On a brighter note the goby has made a home under the purple rock :)
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my clarkie had black spots like that it never seemed to effect him and he had them since he was young , I had him 5 years he died after he lost his mate , that was a sad day you really could tell he was depressed , you would never think a fish gets depressed,
that bug looking creature looks like a pod safe and beneficial same for the ones swimming around , some fish enjoy munching on them , the worm is most likely a Bristol worm also safe just don't touch them with out gloves if you get those Brissels on you , it acts like a bee sting hurts for weeks as you can not really get them out of your skin , they will come out over time from the hot water when taking a shower as your pours open ,
gobys are so cool to watch such personality you ought to get him a friend a pistol shrimp
Ok good to know they are harmless.
I didn't see any bristles on the worm thats why I said it resembled a flat worm.
I'll look into getting a pistol shrimp in the future.
The lfs had coral banded shrimp for $20 and skunk cleaners for $35.

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really hard to see worm thats why I assume Bristol worm its more common has skunk cleaners on sale this week end for $5.99
Bristle worm IMO.
Watch the spots.
Hard to say on day one with stress and all.
Last pic is pod all good(mandarin food!).
The worm likely came in on LR.
Don't worry about it as it is a scavenger and a hidden part of your CUC!
Now you officially have fish and a CUC!
Congrats and good deal!
Why does the CUC have to look so creepy?! The little pods are cool...gray worm not so much

How much should I be feeding my fish? For the time being I have pellets that say multiple feedings a day. The clowns in the store where eating the same pellet, but I'm not sure about the goby.

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Ok. I'll start out feeding once every other day. Would this regimen hold true for frozen food? Going to stop at a petsmart for Omega One frozen mysis shrimp and some things for my fw tank.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Ok. I'll start out feeding once every other day. Would this regimen hold true for frozen food? Going to stop at a petsmart for Omega One frozen mysis shrimp and some things for my fw tank.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
The every other day should work out fine IMO.
Feed one or the other make sure they are eating since they are new.
How are they doing?
I feed less to my marine fish as nutrient export is more important to other aspect of a reef tank.
Everyone is doing good. The little clown still has the black spots but I'm not to conserned as long as it isn't a disease/parasite. The goby like to hide out under the far right rock so hopefully he/she will come out some more.

How soon before I could add another fish? 2-3weeks? Would probably be the royal gramma then either the foxface or sixline.

This hot weather is no fun. Tank is up to 80.8 degrees. Turned the heater down to 72 degrees.

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I have glass tops though, I will have to see if I can rig something up for the sump

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