Fishy Fungus Problem

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 6, 2011
Houston, Texas
I have a female Creamsicle Mollie that has a white moldy looking fungus on her. I have tried using Pimafix & Fungus Guard as well as Melafix (a time or two for open sores that will develope from the fungus). I just have this one sick fish that I can't seem to get well. Any suggestions on treatment meds since the above have not worked? This fish has had this fungus off and on for over 4 months, she's a fighter and I want her to win this battle!!
Have you tried isolating her to a separate hospital tank with a little salt and maybe daily water changes? Or do large daily water changes in your main tank.
I actually do have her seperated in her own tank. I can give the salt and daily water changes a try though; good idea. Thanks Ashleynicole!!
Ok, give the salt & frequent water changes a try & see if there any improvement. If you dont see any change or if it starts to get worse, then you can try a course of antibiotics. Granted, the primary ingredients in the fungus guard are antibiotics but they are common & not quite as effective as some others available. Keep us posted!
Ok, if the salt & water changes don't work which antibiotic should I use? Hopefully I won't need the new antibiotic but if I do I'll know what to buy!! :) Thanks for your help.
I would try something a bit stronger than what you did use. Kanamycin would be my first choice (Seachem's Kanaplex or Kana-Pro from national fish pharmecuticals). Maracyn 2 (minocycline) would be my second choice which is carried in most petsmart chains. Good luck & keep us posted! :)
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