"Fishy" Questions :P

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 22, 2013
Erie, Pennsylvania
Ok so I got these 2 tanks. Here they are (I measured my actual tanks not got looked up 38 and 35 gallon dimentions):
:fish2:38 Gallon Rectangle Tank
-Length: 36in
-Width: 12.25in
:fish2:35 Gallon Hexagonal Tank
-Length: 11.5in
-Height: 24.5in
-Sides: 6 (obviously)

I really got my heart set on Angelfish and Blue Gourami. Its going to be awhile before i do this (Im fixing up the tanks slowly as i gather enough money to get filters and not and Im also painting the a sea scape on the stand of the 35 gallon tank) but I just want to have all the information first. Here are my questions:
1.) What all do I need for setting up these tanks? Types of filtration? (just basically everything I need to buy these tanks to get them up and running before I go crazy with fish) (and besides like rocks and plants and all that jazz)
2.) Would these tank sizes work for Angelfish and Blue Gourami? (yes I do know that Angels can grow up to 6in and Blue Gourami can grow up to 3in)
3.) I was planning on getting 3 baby Angelfish and about 3-4 Blue Gourami (buying them when they were originally placed in the same tank so they wont fight amongst eachother). Once 2 Angelfish pair up, I would move the other Angel to the 35 gallon and so that one wont get lonely move also 1-2 Blue Gourami's along with it. Will this work?
4.) How do you tell if an Angelfish has paired up EXACTLY?
5.) How old/size are the Angelfish when they do start to pair up?

:thanks: Thank you for all the help in advance :thanks:
As for equipment, i.e. filters you have a few choices. You could go with a smaller canister filter for each, but that will set you back more than a few bucks. You could also go with HOB-Hang- On-Back, but I would suggest hanging them on one side if you can make it look nice. Regardless of the first choice, I would add a sponge filter and hide it with aquascaping. This will provide for biological filtration while being a vertual bacteria farm.

As for the Angels, I would go with 6 if you want to get a pair out of them. Once they pair off, the two fish will rule the tank. They will keep everyone away from a potential spawning site and beat the snot out of the others once they spwan if not before. I would set up a nicely angled flat gardnen stone on one side in the back corner if ipossible. That will keep them somewhat isolated once they pair. You should be able to tell easily who the happy couple is. The Angels should be old enough to pair off at 8-12 months depending on care and conditions. As for the remaining fish, you can move them or trade them at the pet store. If all else fails put them on Craigslist.

As for the gouramis, you're pushing it with four in a tank that size. Keep in mind these guys can get 4"-6" each. Make sure to only get one male or you will have trouble at some point. I would read up on how to sex gouramis and under no circumstances count on the pet store for making the decision. You can purchase larger fish as well as it will have no impact on eventual fighting. The gouramis will develop a pecking order regardless of size unless there is one much larger than the rest. For the gouramis, make sure you have some floating cover for them. I make lilly pads by cutting circles out of black plastic coffee can lids. They will spawn under those as well.

You never said anything about other tank mates. I would stay away from tetras or danios in the Angel spawning setup unless you plan to move them once you have a pair. You could go with some Least Killies as they are livebearers, very tiny, reproduce quickly and will be a great food source for hungry growing Angels. If you get them now you will get a good head start. You can always move a few females and a male once the Angels spawn and you will continue to produce food. A nice school of cherry barbs (6-8), I'd mix regulor and albino, would look nice. You could also go with rosy barbs.
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