five gallon set up

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 8, 2013
New England
I won't get any more fish until I have a quarantine tank, but they want $40 at the lfs. Nothing on craig'slist for a month now. Nothing on ebay. Any ideas?
Do you have a Petco or Petsmart in your area? 10 gallon tanks can be purchased for about $15 to 20 in my area. I think even some Walmarts carry tanks. QT doesn't need to be big or elaborate. :)
Something like this would work too:

Do you want a HOB filter with your tank ? Or you only want a bucket for fishes ?

In my case, my main tank is a 29 gallons, and I alway keep a cycled 10 gallon tank (with a filter) with a betta in it.... Just in case I get new fished or plants, I REALLLY hate white spots !
I just keep a spare HOB running on one of my tanks (or you can keep extra filter sponges/biomedia in your canister) and use it when needed, which is why I don't need an actual tank per se.
I just keep a spare HOB running on one of my tanks (or you can keep extra filter sponges/biomedia in your canister) and use it when needed, which is why I don't need an actual tank per se.

When your remove your HOB bio's from your main canister, you don't get any little taste of ammonia ?
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