Flowerhorn scared at night

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 30, 2021
Hi everyone. My flowerhorn is 2 years old. We have him in our living room. So started to notice that at night time and when our lights are dimmed my flower horn hides behind his log. And If I go near the tank he go's nuts bumping on the walls as if he's really scared. And during the day. He is very happy swimming around. And even follows us around and played with our hands. Never gets scared or frightened. But when it gets dark it's a whole different story? Is this normal. Or is my fish having trouble seeing in the darkness.? ? any ideas?
It’s possible the fish has eye sight problems. No signs of white/grey cloudiness in the eyes?

It could have just gotten a spook at some point when it was dark and has become skiddish in the dark. If the fish has no physical signs of ailment and the water quality is good, there’s not alot you can do but monitor the situation. If it becomes skiddish to the point it starts banging into things in the tank you may have to remove ornaments to help keep it from hurting itself

Sounds like the fish has a hiding spot it’s content with which is good. You don’t want the fish stressed out constantly any time the tank is dark!
Thanks . Very helpful. Overall he is a very happy fish. He loves to watch and follow you around all day. I have avoided going near his aquarium when it starts getting Dark. If you don't bother him he seems to be fine. Looks very healthy and is growing quite well.
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