Fluorescent or LED lighting?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 12, 2013
Want to start scaping my 10 gallon planted but don't know what kind of lighting to use...I have a fluval compact 13w fluorescent light (about 8" long)...will this suffice for lighting or should I get a new lighting fixture?

And if so, LED or fluorescent? My order of plants should be here tomorrow and would like to get them in the tank asap, they are all low light beginner plants

Edit: I don't know much about lighting so every bit of advice would help, thanks guys!
Want to start scaping my 10 gallon planted but don't know what kind of lighting to use...I have a fluval compact 13w fluorescent light (about 8" long)...will this suffice for lighting or should I get a new lighting fixture?

And if so, LED or fluorescent? My order of plants should be here tomorrow and would like to get them in the tank asap, they are all low light beginner plants


Depends on the plants.
dwarf 4 leaf clover, narrow leaf chain swords (pygmy swords), Dwarf Sage, Ammania gracilis and some kind of moss.

Um I think those are high light. I am not a high light expert but ddpending on your budget LEDs are the most efficent.
I have an led lid for my 10g I believe it is 2watts per gallon. (It is not a full strip of led, just three sections) for my low light plants. But I also have a full daylight spectrum florescent T8 on my 20g, I am thinking of upgrading. But so far so good=) I keep my low/moderate lighting plants in my 20g.
I have java fern, java moss, crypts, anubias, and onion plants in my 10g.

In my 20g I have, amazon sword, anacharis, ludwigia repens, wisteria, moneywort, cardamine, scarlet temple, and java fern=)
To the OP, looks like you have a mix of low light and moderate light demanding plants. Which is fine. If I were in your shoes, I'd get the Current Satellite LED+ or the Finnex Fugeray Planted+ that comes out in November (this Finnex light has some red diodes mixed in with the white, not to be confused with the regular "older" Fugeray model).

Just make sure to dose a liquid carbon like Excel if you're not injecting co2. A good liquid fertilizer like Flourish Comprehensive is good too.
Ok so I'm thinking about going with the finnex fugeray-r ultra slim LED...thoughts?
I think the Fugeray-R is a great light but it's kinda small in length for a 10g. You'll have dim ends on the tank... plus PAR is less.

Go for the Finnex Fugeray Planted+ 20". Comes out next month. You'll have reds and moonlight blues built in too.


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