Fluval C4 or Aquaclear 70

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 27, 2013
Birmingham, AL
I currently have an aquaclear 30 on my 29 gallon tank. Right now I only have 3 fish so I'm not too worried, but I definitely want to upgrade within the next 2 weeks.

As you can guess from the title, I'm trying to decide between the fluval and the aquaclear. On Amazon, the fluval is $45.57 and the aquaclear is $39.99 so price isn't a factor.

Does anyone have experience with the fluval c4? The adjustable intake, 5 stage filter and easy access to filter media makes this a no-brainer IF, and only if, it's as reliable as the aquaclear. The aquaclear has an extra 36 gph and proven dependability going for it.

Does anyone have any thoughts/feedback/experience they can share?
I loved my c series filter, I replaced my c3 for an ac50 and wish I hadn't. I'll probably be switching back to the fluval c3 now. It's an amazing filter, though so is the AC and you will hear how great they are too but from a guy who has actually had both, I'd buy the c series without question.
AquaClear is a great company with great review, so is fluval. I would go with an Fluval C4.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, Fluval C4 it is. On a side note, I can't imagine buying aquarium hardware anywhere but Amazon. Their prices are amazing.
Sorry to bump an old thread but I am considering one of these two filters and wanted some more opinions:

I was convinced to get a AC110 for a 60-75g tank I am considering but after doing some more research I found two AC70s would be a better deal as in total they would run at 12 watts rather than 14 watts on the AC110 all the while outputting up to 100gph more (600gph vs. 500gph.) I then started looking into the Fluval C4 and had some questions.

Does the Fluval's media perform better or just cost more because it is newer? Do you have to replace it more often or does it "last forever" like the AC line? I have heard the polishing filter is amazing at keeping the tank clearer, does anyone have any experience with these?
The polishing pad is the part that needs to be replaced often, but it needs to be replaced often because it works really well. I really liked the c series when I had mine. Either voice is a good one though, I've had every AC and 2 c series
Would it be possible or beneficial to put a polishing pad at the bottom of an AC?
What a blessing it is when we have to choose between two GREAT HOB filters! The AC's and the C series are both awesome filters. I am running both types now. Both are filtering and polishing the water about the same. The C series is more convenient to clean and I have rinsed and wringed out the filtering pad 3 times so far and reused. It is still filtering great. So IMO you don't have to replace this pad as often. I DO wish the C series filters had the same flow rate as the AC's size for size. Either way you can't lose! OS.
Thanks for all the advice. I bought a AC70 for a 36g today for 50$. I plan to get the Fluval when/if I upgrade to a 75g tank and run them both together. Whichever one I like the best I will get another and use the extra unit on the 36g as a quarantine. Think I would be OK with two HOB for that large of a tank?

The 36g will be my first tank and I am ordering API test kit, Prime, and a siphon off Amazon right now so I can start it up on my day off on Friday. I am doing research on heaters now to figure out which one would be best for me in a 36g and be able to upgrade to a 75g with a second one. Any ideas or should I start a new thread asking about this?
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