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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 17, 2011
FX-5 or 405

Okay - I'm starting my 3rd tank. A 72 gallon bow. I have everything I need all set up and ready for fishless cycling to begin... Except the filter and I'm hung up. I've been watching you tube videos and reading reviews. I've gotten a few other suggestions from here too.

Which would YOU do - the Fluval FX-5 or 405?

I don't want a lot of maintenance. I have a 36 gallon bow and a 10 gallon. I'm working on a quarrentine tank too - 10 gallons. So I guess that is 4 tanks.

I'm still quite new to this (only had my 1st tanks since July). And I just don't really understand the canister?

Also - I understand that they don't make the splashing sound that the HOB filters do?

Ugh - just having a hard time deciding.

I was able to buy everything else I needed from my distributor at cost (HOLLA!!!) but they only have a Marineland canister filter. I hear that the Fuval are better....

Help please?

I'm thinking the 405 would suffice unless you have need for some serious flow. More like turbulent with an FX5 in a 72 gal.
What kind of fish are you planning on keeping? The 405 is good for most fish, except you might want to consider the FX5 for cichlids or goldfish.

I have both fluval fx5's and 405's. I like them both, for ease of cleaning the 405 is easier. However the FX5 can go longer between cleaning.

If you are diong fish which like/require a lot of flow, I'd go with the FX5

but i personally would do the FX5 either way, and if you have fish that don't like as much current, stuff the filter full with extra media
Well, I'm first going to move my angel from my 36 gallon to the 72 once established. And then get a pictus from my friend and get a school of those (5). From there - I'm having a hard time figuring on what to stock - I plan on doing a *big fish* tank... (no pleco, no gold fish).

So perhaps the bioload would require the FX5. However, being that it is a 72 and the 405 is ranked for a 100 gallon, don't you think the 405 (which does look easier to use) would be just great?

I don't know. LOL!
Go with the FX5. If you want to decrease the flow, you can dial it back with the output valve on the top of the filter. You will be able to go longer between cleanings with the FX5. I have both and prefer the FX5. Also, if you upgrade again (like most of us do) you will have plenty of filter.
I swear this will be my last tank @ Spoonman! LOL... Thanks for the advice all. I only wish I could get this from one of my distributors at cost like I did all the other stuff! GRRRRRR!
YAY YAY! I just talked to a friend of mine and confirmed that his brother in law is a distributor for Hagen! I get to set up an account with them (since I am a pet industry retailer) and cut those costs on the filter too!

FX5 here I come!

I love being in the pet industry and branching out to aquatics!
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