Food storage

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 29, 2004
Ontario Canada
Hil! Quick question... Can opened containers of dried food like flakes/ tubifex be stored in the freezer? Thanks!
They will probably pick up moisture in the freezer. I store my foods in glass jars with screw on lids. I buy flake food from Big Als a pound( 2- 8 oz bags) and store it this way. You can put the plastic bag in the jar for a double seal.
All I can say is thank goodness for Ziplock bags!
They work great at keeping air and moisture away from frozen and nonfrozen foods
Yes they can be stored in air tight containers and zip locks in the freezer. It will make them last along time. I put mine in ziplocks and then in another ziplock or an air tight container. If you buy large amounts this is the best way to keep them so the will last. As far as the time length I would have to say several years if kept the right way. The reason for doing this is because at room temperatures the food degrades alot faster and loses vitamins. The main thing is to not get water into any food, air tight seal and to keep it away from heat and light. A dark cool place is recommended. What better place is there than the freezer? very dark and very cool!!
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