Foreground Plants?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 2, 2005
Toronto, ON
Hey everybody, I just finished setting up my 16.5 Gallon Aquarium.
I want to know what foreground plants (grass) I can have with 1.22 WPG.
Thanks a lot!! Heading to Big Al's on Boxingday, so a little list would be GREATLY appreciated because they wont have every plant on the list, so I'll choose from what they do have. :D

PS. I have finished attaching Java Moss to driftwood as well, so would it be a bad idea to get more foreground plants?
I like anubias nana. It's small, and you can either bury its rhisome in the substrate, or tie it to objects.
It is possible to keep some medium-light plants under 1.22 wpg, you just have to try it to find out. How deep is your 16.5G? The closer the light is to the substrate the better your odds of keeping higher-light plants. If you're willing to risk the plants doing poorly or failing to find out if they can make it under lower light then I say go for it :wink:

Marsilea spp. (Water Clover) make great low-light foreground plants. They resemble a large, slow-growing form of Glossostigma. Java moss on rocks can also make a nice foreground plant. Some of the smaller Crypts can also make interesting low-light carpets.
Alright thanks. Its pretty deep (19 inches) :( so I assume thats bad. I really wanted to get hairgrass, but would that be a bad idea?
I don't think hairgrass will work in your tank. While its not real demanding, it does need more light that your currently have. Burying the anubias' rhizome can cause it to die. you can weigh it down onto the substrate and let the "roots" take hold but it is not wise to bury it.
travis simonson said:
If you're willing to risk the plants doing poorly or failing to find out if they can make it under lower light then I say go for it

I was "willing" and without a doubt, I'm amazed at what I have growing in my tank (75 gal, 18" depth and 1.1 wpg).

Plant list includes: Java ferns, amazon swords, several different crypts, L. repens, anacharis, hornwort, baby tears and jungle vals.

Take a look at the tank clicky in my sig.
Wow! Those are some awsome plants for a 1.1WPG tank with that much depth. Gives me hope :mrgreen:
Thanks for the help every1.
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