Foxface fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 9, 2012
What are there temper meants Like ? I got one today and he seems to always be having little panic attacks at the slightest noises or movements he changes to that browny cow pattern when he's freakin out will he always to that or after a while will he settle ?
How big is the tank? This happens when the fish is in a tank that is too small and it becomes stressed. If the tank is big enough he should calm down soon
It's a 176 litres he has plenty of room he's the only big fish in there but I only go him today So I'd say he just needs time to settle ? I hope
AwfulArabella said:
It's a 176 litres he has plenty of room he's the only big fish in there but I only go him today So I'd say he just needs time to settle ? I hope

Well they are timid fish to begin with. How big is the fox? He should color up and eventually be more outgoing
Yup they get stressed easily, just let him chill. Maybe even turn off the lights and let him be
Just knocked the lights off there Hopefully that settles him thanks
Foxcaces are nervous little guys. Ours was a spotted mess for a while till I was able to settle him down. Can't remember the reason, but they freak out about everything. Good luck
He's getting there he's mostly always spotty but he's coming out more and he ate today thanks
AwfulArabella said:
What are there temper meants Like ? I got one today and he seems to always be having little panic attacks at the slightest noises or movements he changes to that browny cow pattern when he's freakin out will he always to that or after a while will he settle ?

They are pretty timid overall, but can hold their own in a semi aggressive tank. They have those venomous top fins that protect them. I had mine in with a passer angel and Niger trigger. He did just fine, although the passer did freak him out a bit. Those passer angels are very nasty. Make sure to give plenty of nori or romaine for him to much on, and mine loved pellets and mysis. We gave him back to our Lfs when we only had the 55g. Now we have the 180g and I wish I had him back. Might have to get another. :)
Buy a few blue green chromis and add to your tank they stay around the top and will help relax the fox face
I woke up this morning and he was finally out exploring he's come along well he nipped my decorator crab a few times but the crab is forever sticking food to himself do I put it down to that, other than that he's actually coming to the front of the glass to have a nose around, plus he's never without his blenny buddy I think that helps him alot do you no if there better in pairs ? My local store was out of the nori rings so I'll head up when they get them back in for now he's getting brine shrimp and garlic or new era fish flakes ? Thanks for all the help guys :)
Glad to hear, they are very fun fish to watch. I have the vegi mag and use with any nori sheets. My tang and trigger go crazy. Good luck
I am in cincy ohio and some of our kroger grocery stores have a natural section that they sell seaweed wraps for suchi and my tangs love it and is the cheapest fish food even on line that i have found
How do you no its safe for the fish cause ive seen it in the grocery store but wasn't sure if it was safe for them ?
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